Chapter 22: Mind Games

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I ran a brush through my hair as Nyko watched. I was making it very obviously I was ignoring him. My eyes darted around the mirror's reflecting, never landing on him, but there, he still stood. All he wanted to talk about was the devil, and I was tired of it.

"We're going to be late, Raja."

"Go without me." I moved my hair off my shoulders.

He sighed. "Just hurry."

I sat still until he was gone and then laid my head on the counter. It had been over a week since I had seen him, but I wish he would just leave. I wrapped my arms around my head. He was a horrible man. My people were dead, and I had been punished to live forever because of him. I hope god killed him while he was in the mortal world, then I finally be free of the devil.

Sitting up, I stared at my reflection. Why couldn't I age? I mushed around the skin on my face. It snapped back into place when I let go. Not even a wrinkle. I just wanted my time to end, so I could be with my people.

Leaving my seat, I wandered into the hall and started toward the arena. The last winner had chosen me, and his stench still lingered in my memory. He was a foul man that shouldn't have been allowed in the palace.

The doors were parted when I arrived. Nyko was sitting on the couch with his arms folded. I sat at his side and kept my eyes pointed at the ground.

He didn't say anything as he tapped his foot. I wasn't going to give the devil a chance and if Nyko brought it up again I would tell Overlord Eadwyn. Nyko didn't understand what that man had put me through. I never give the devil a chance ever.

The lord entered with his servants. They paced around him, fixing his clothes.

"Ready boys?" He tugged on the collar of his gold shirt.

I nodded.

Nyko didn't respond.

"My lord," said a servant. "The crowd has gathered."

Eadwyn held his head high. "Let's go make the announcement."

Nyko and I stood and went to either side. We walked out onto the elevated stage above the arena. People filled the seats as well as the ground below, except for a circular piece of dirt directly below us. The crowd cheered and applauded.

Eadwyn silenced them, before issuing the challenge. "Shall we begin the tournament!"

The people roared.

I glanced at Nyko, but he kept his eyes forward.

"Warriors of Glek come forward and state your intent."

My eyes ran across the front line, but no one moved. "What's going on?" I whispered.

I peered over at the lord. Usually, at least, twenty men participated in the bi-weekly event. The overlord didn't seem concerned with the lack of people stepping forward. My heart was pounding, through.

One hooded figure started toward the front. People quickly parted, revealing a path. He undid his coat and let it fall, revealing bright blond hair. My breath caught.

"No," I whispered. I grabbed the lord's arm. "Please, he can't be allowed to participate. It's not fair. He's a god. He can't do it. He can't, please."

"Silence, Raja." Eadwyn held up a hand.

I stepped back and glared at the devil.

Tobias smiled. "It looks like I have no competitors." He glanced around him. "Should I collect my reward now?" His red eyes fell on me.

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