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Hi everyone. I know I haven't been on much recently. Actually, I have, if you look at my activity, I still read and vote a whole ton, but I haven't posted an update of any of my books in a while.

The thing is, I keep writing draft after draft and I just don't feel into it. It's not writers block, because I know what I want and I know how to put it down, I just don't feel the motivation to do it. I'm not sure if it's because of the hiatus, I just can't write about 1D, or if it's something else.

So, here's the bad news. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to write the sequel for this book. I really want to, I do. This is my most voted and commented story, and I love it to death, but I'm not sure when or if it will be up. And that upsets me because I know the story isn't complete. Like, at all. I obviously can't just throw away a character like Luke and pretend he never happened, and I left this on a huge cliffhanger.

So I'm really trying to write it, I am, but I'm not sure if the sequel will ever happen.I'm really really sorry about this. I know a lot of people love this story, and it upsets me that I can't find it in myself to continue. I want to, but I can't.

I love every single one of my readers, and I hate to let you down. I really hope someday I will publish Treasured (the sequel), and I will be just as into it as I was into Castaway. :( <3

-miranda xx

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