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"There is no way I'm letting you come with me Harry!" Liam said, his face in his hands.

"Why not!" I groaned.

"Babe, you need rest." He said quietly, placing his hands on either side of my huge bump. "You're about to pop and we don't want you going into early labor. The doctors don't know enough about it."

I just wanted to go to school! It's not like I'm asking to go to the moon! My c section was in four days and Liam didn't want me leaving the motel room. 

"What do you want me to do? Lay around all day?" I complained.

"Yes." He said seriously.

"Liam!" I rolled my eyes. "I'm pregnant, not dying."

"I just don't want anything to happen to you or jellybean." He whispered, resting his forehead against mine and rubbing gentle circles on my 9 month bump. "You could go into labor and you know that's not what the doctors want."

"Li." I said quietly, my hand instinctively going to his cheek. "Nothing is going to happen. I'm due in two weeks. Thats why they made the c section date so early, so that I don't go into labor from something random like stress. I'll be fine."

He had a nervous look on his face.

"Ok." He said quietly. I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"I'll be fine." I promised him. He nodded and the two of us went out to the car.

* * *

I sat on Liam's desk, forcefully making out with him, my legs around his waist and his hands pulling me closer to him.

"Mm.. Mr. Payne." I mumbled against his lips.

"You calling me that is so sexy babe." He moaned, dropping his head down to make a love bite on my neck.

"Oh." I breathed out, throwing my head back. "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered.

Then someone knocked loudly on the door, causing me to jump away from Liam in an attempt to fix my hair and clothes.

"Mrs. Lennox?" A female voice yelled from outside the door.

Liam rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth. Oh. It's that bitch.

"It's Mr. Payne, Jenna." He said, sounding annoyed. "Just a moment I'm with a student."

"You should go to your first class." He whispered, turning to me. I nodded, pecking him on the lips and getting up.

"See you later." I whispered. "I love you."

"Love you too Harry."

I walked through the door, glaring at Jenna on the way out, and went to my first class.

* * *

"Alright!" The AP bio teacher said loudly, clapping her hands together. I felt Aria kick lightly, so I gently rubbed a few circles on my bump to calm her down.

"Today we're going to be talking about something very controversial and... different." She said, turning on the projector. "Male pregnancy."

I felt my heart stop. Are you kidding me? What if people realize? I know I look pregnant, so there's no way people aren't going to figure it out once they know that male pregnancy exists.

One of the assholes who broke my nose, I'd learned his name was Alex, snickered from the back of the room. "That's not a real thing." He said smugly.

"Yes it is and it's extremely rare." She said, looking straight at me. I gulped. "There's only about 120 men known in this state to be carriers. Over 70 of them are straight males, so it doesn't affect them. But the remaining 50 something men are able to conceive a child. There has only been 23 recorded male births as of right now. 11 of those children were born stillborn or miscarried because of the lack of knowledge in the subject."

I bit my lip and glanced around. What if my daughter is stillborn?

Don't think about that. There were 12 healthy children born from men. I'll be fine.

A girl from the other side of the room raised her hand.

"Do they get periods?" She asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Some do, some don't." The teacher said. Oh wow, I really dodged a bullet there.

"Where does the baby come from?" A boy asked.

"Well, it would come out the same way it was conceived, just like female pregnancy. But they don't know much about that, so all children born from males are c sectioned." She said.

The teacher answered a few more questions and went over some anatomy and other stuff, most of which I already knew.

I walked to the bathroom after the bell rang. I need to go practically between every class now because of a baby punching my bladder.

I finished up my business and went to wash my hands, when I was violently shoved against the wall.

"So that's why you look like a whale." Alex laughed, his friend standing behind him. "You're pregnant."

"No! Nono-" I was cut off by a punch to the gut. I cried out in pain and in worry for my unborn daughter.

"So not only are you a faggot." He threw me to the ground. "But you're a pregnant faggot. A freak! This needs to be taken care of."

"Stop, please." I sobbed. "Don't hurt my baby."

I had flashbacks to when I first found out I was pregnant, when Luke tried to hurt me and Aria because I was a freak of nature.

Alex kicked me hard in the stomach. I screamed out in pain as I felt something hot and wet soak my pants. I got very dizzy and felt my eyes start to close.

"You're a freak." Alex said quietly, giving me one last kick, then running out of the bathroom.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed quietly, rubbing my bump weakly as I felt myself drifting out of consciousness. "I'm so sorry."

Then everything went black.

This was a terrible chapter but the end was :O I guess


Voting starts on 12/17 so when it opens please go vote for this story omg this is crazy >.<


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