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I felt Liam's warm lips pressed against my own, and my body instantly relaxed. This was so different from kissing Luke. It felt... Right.

But then I remembered how right kissing Luke had felt when we were in high school. I remembered how over the years he had grown mean and abusive.

I quickly pulled away from Liam, tears filling my eyes and got off his bed.

"Wait, Harry I'm sorry!" He said as I backed towards the door. I remembered how Luke always apologized after hitting and raping me. I have a baby now, and I'm not going to let anything happen to him or her. I put a protective hand over my stomach and ran out of the room, leaving Liam alone.

I ran back to my room, shut the door, and collapsed in a ball. I sobbed quietly and rubbed a gentle hand on my stomach. Then a loud knock echoed through the room.

"Harry! Please, I'm sorry!" I heard Liam call through the door. I scrambled back as he continued pounding on the door.

"Go away!" I choked through my tears.

"Please let me in Harry." He said quietly as the knocking stopped. "I promise I won't hurt you."

Maybe I should give Liam a chance. Luke never said anything like that. He never said he wouldn't hurt me. He just told me I deserved it and that he would stop if I didn't do anything to make him want to beat me.

I reluctantly stood up and unlocked the door, opening it slowly to see Liam standing there, looking as handsome as ever.

He took a small step forward and carefully wrapped his arms around my body and I collapsed into the hug, shaking with sobs.

"Luke was terrible to you Harry." He whispered. "And you didn't deserve it. Nobody deserves what he put you through."

He rubbed gentle circles on my back and let me cry into his t-shirt for a few more minutes. Then he pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"I promise that I will never hurt you Harry." He whispered, reaching out and gently caressing my cheek as he spoke. "You deserve so much better."

"No I don't." I sobbed. "I was so stupid running off with Luke. I deserved everything he did to me."

Liam's mouth dropped in shock. "I can't believe you would say that Harry." He said, pulling me into another hug. "You're beautiful, smart, and you're one of the nicest people I've ever met. Nobody deserves that Harry, especially not you."

I started crying again, because nobody had ever said those words to me. Nobody had ever called me beautiful. Luke complimented me, but he would just say that I looked good for him or that I was sexy. Beautiful has a completely different meaning, and hearing Liam say it to me just made me so happy.

"Shhh..." Liam whispered, running one hand through my curls and trying to calm me down. "It's gonna be ok babe. It's all going to be ok."

"You're so amazing Liam." I sobbed. "Even after hearing about my past you still want to be with me. And being with you is so reassuring after being with... Him."

"I'll never leave you babe." He muttered into my ear. "And I'll never hurt you. That's a promise."

"Thank you." I whispered. He didn't respond, the two of us just sat down on my bed, his strong arms around me, and cuddled together for hours.

His hand rested on where I would soon have a baby bump and my eyes filled with tears once again. I didn't even think about the fact that once Liam found out I was pregnant, he would never want to be with me. He probably doesn't want the responsibility at 18 and he'll probably think I'm a freak anyways. But I love being with Liam, so I have to keep this a secret, at least until I start showing.

"Are you alright love?" Liam asked quietly. I nodded and snuggled my head into his chest. Just being with Liam makes everything better. I have maybe another month until I start showing, one month to be with Liam before he finds out what a freak I am.


I'm such a slow updater and this is such a short chapter gosh I'm sorry my phone and computer got taken and I still don't have my computer so I'm writing on my phone and I can't take my phone out of the kitchen so I'm literally writing fanfic in my kitchen :/

But enough about me, LIRRY IS TOGETHER ::):):):):)))):)))::))):):):
And poor Harry :(


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