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Liam gripped my hand tightly as the two of us sat in the waiting room of the tiny doctors office. Nobody else was there, because it was such a small town, so they were just setting up the room for us.

"Are you excited?" Liam asked me. I nodded, a huge smile on my face.

"I've seen my baby before though, so the real question is, are you excited?" I asked him. He squeezed my hand, then nodded as well.

"Yeah." He said quietly, then let out a small laugh. "Yeah I'm really excited."

I smiled to myself. Liam is basically the best boyfriend ever. He loves me, even though I'm pregnant. And he's willing to take this baby as his own, even though he's not the father.

"Styles?" The woman said. Liam and I stood up, still holding hands, and walked back into the room. I sat down on the table and Liam took the chair beside me.

"So this is your boyfriend?" She said, shaking hands with Liam. Liam smiled that gorgeous smile of his.

"Liam Payne." He said.

"Nice to meet you" She said, pulling out her clipboard. "So Harry, how've you been feeling lately?"

"I'm good." I said. "My nausea is starting to go away, but I'm a bit more tired during the day."

She nodded. "That's common for someone going into their second trimester."

I nodded, placing a hand on my bump.

"Let's have a look at the little bundle of joy." She said, smiling. I laid down on the table, then reached out. Liam took my hand immediately, knowing I wanted him here. I smiled and closed my eyes as the doctor rubbed the cold gel on my stomach.

She waved the ultrasound wand over my stomach, and a small picture popped up on the screen. I smiled as the sound of my baby's heartbeat filled the room and I admired the small baby growing in my womb.

I glanced over at Liam. He had a huge smile on his face as he looked at the screen.

"That's your baby huh?" He whispered.

"That's our baby." I corrected him, squeezing his hand. He turned to me, the huge smile not leaving his face.

"Our little jelly bean." He brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed my knuckles lightly.

"Your baby looks perfectly healthy." The doctor said, observing the screen closely. "And it's about the right size, so you're in a good condition Mr. Styles."

I grinned at Liam, who's smile hasn't left his face since the doctor put the gel on my stomach. He leaned in and gave me a small peck on the lips. 'Our baby' I mouthed to him.

"So you're about 14 weeks along." The doctor said to me. "Your baby should start moving a little after the next appointment, so be excited for that."

I smiled at the thought of my baby moving in my belly, kicking and squirming. I really hope he or she looks like me. I really don't want to see Luke every time I look at my child.

"Also you'll be able to find out the gender in about a month and a half. Do you want to know the gender or keep it a surprise?" She asked. I glanced at Liam.

"It's up to you babe." He said quietly, smiling at me.

"I want to know." I said to the doctor. She wrote this on her clipboard.

"Alright, I'm just going to give you your prescriptions and everything and you should be all set!" She said.

I got all of my pills, signed out, and paid, then Liam and I walked back to the car, swinging our hands between us.

"Are you excited to find out the gender?" Liam asked.

I nodded, a huge smile on my face after seeing my baby. Even though I've seen him or her before, it still excited me every time.

"I really think it's a girl." I said. "But I will love them either way, of course."

The two of us got in the car and I noticed some notebooks and pencils in the backseat, then smiled.

"So when does school start?" I asked him.

"Two weeks." He grinned. I could tell he was really excited for his new job.

"I'm really excited for you." I said, leaning up and kissing his lips, before he pulled out and we started driving.

"It's not too late to register." He said hopefully.

"Liam I'm not going back to school. I'm going to have a baby to take care of." I said.

"There's plenty of teenage mothers that go to school! Why can't you?" He asked, taking my hand. I sighed.

"I'll think about it." I mumbled.

"I just really want you to have whatever you want." He smiled that perfect Liam smile at me and I blushed. "And I know that college is what you wanted."

"I'll think about it." I repeated.

"Ok." He said, squeezing my hand tightly. "That's good enough for me."

After a quick stop at the store, heading back to the motel, a few hours of TV and cuddling, it was time for me to sleep. I laid on my side and Liam spooned me from behind, our usual sleeping position.

I thought about what Liam had said in the car earlier. I did want to go back to school, graduate, go to college, and become a preschool teacher. That's always been my dream, ever since I was young. But now with the baby, is that even possible?

Maybe I could take a break from school when the baby is born, then leave him or her with Liam while I take summer school, take online college, and by the time I get my degree, the baby will be old enough to go to school. Wow.

Maybe I can go back to school.


Hello all of you lovely people!

I think this chapter was ok :/ what do you think ?

Anyways, speaking of people going back to school, YESTERDAY WAS MY FIRST DAY *cries*

So I won't be able to update quite as much :( but I'll be around no worries


Also I wrote this during school whoops :/

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