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They had to do it on my birthday. Of course, they couldn't wait until the day after. No, they had to ruin my birthday.

Today, I turn eighteen years old. I'm now legally an adult and I've been forced out of the orphanage I had called home since I was six. A few tears slipped from my eyes as stared out the bus window and thought.

Where was I supposed to go? I didn't have a collage education, so I couldn't get a good job to support myself, I didn't have anywhere to live, and I only had a couple hundred dollars that the orphanage had given me before I left.

"This is the last stop son." I heard the bus driver say to me. "You have to get off."

I stood up, throwing my small duffle bag over my shoulder and stepping off the bus.

As the bus drove away, I observed my surroundings. I was standing at the edge of a forest. There was a dirt driveway, leading up to a tiny building. A small, red neon sign stood a few yards away.

Castaway Motel

I guess staying here is better than sleeping on a park bench. I walked down the driveway and into the main building. A boy who looked about my age, with raven black hair and dark brown eyes, sat behind the counter, looking down at his phone.

"Umm... Hi" I said. The boy looked up.

"Hi!" He said, breaking into a smile "do you want to check in?"

I nodded and he turned around.

"Uncle Si!" He yelled. "There's a guy here who needs a room!"

An older man walked out from the back.

"Hi... Ok just sign in here." He slid a guest book over to me, and I wrote down my name. "Alright. You'll be in room 209" He said, smiling and handing me the keys.

"Thank you." I said, starting to turn around and crashing into someone.

"Oh my god I'm sorry." I muttered, bending down to pick up the person's phone.

"It's alright." I heard a deep, slow voice say. I slowly looked up and my breath hitched.

The boy standing in front of me was gorgeous, with his tall, lean figure, his long brown hair, and bright green eyes. He looked about my age, maybe a year younger. Did I mention I'm gay?

I handed back his phone. "H-here. Sorry" I muttered.

"It's no big deal." He smiled and went up to the counter, and the man behind the desk gave him room 903.

I quickly ran to my room before the curly-haired boy noticed me staring. Damn. I can't get over how attractive he was.

I glanced around the small room. A twin bed, a small dresser, TV, closet, and bathroom were all that were in there. I threw my bag down on the bed and changed into some fresh sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I shut the lights off and climbed into bed. Then the reason I was here came flooding back to me, and I realized there was no way I was getting any sleep that night. So I got up, put my shoes on and went outside, taking a small walk around the motel.

"Can't sleep either?" I heard from behind me. Even before turning I knew it was him. I turned around and shook my head.

"So you're gonna be here for a while too?" He asked, giving me a small smile. I nodded.

"Sorry for running into you earlier." He said. "I'm Harry by the way."

Harry. That suits him so well.

"Liam." I responded. "And it was totally my fault, so I'm sorry."

"It's no big deal." He smiled, and my heart melted. He had the most gorgeous smile I had ever seen. I noticed a large bruise by his eye, but I decided not to ask about it. It's none of my business.

"So why are you here?" I decided to ask. He shrugged.

"I needed to get away." He muttered. I nodded. "What about you?"

"Got too old for the orphanage." I said. "There's not much you can do as an 18 year old orphan with no collage education."

"I'm sorry." He said, sympathetically. I shrugged.

"It's not like it's your fault." I answered. "Yeah, I'll be staying here for a while."

He nodded. "Me too." Then his phone started to ring. He glanced at it and a slightly scared expression crossed his face.

"I have to take this." He mumbled.

"Well hopefully I'll see you around Harry." I said. Harry. I love saying his name.

"There's not many other people around." He laughed. "It'll be hard to not see each other." Then he turned around and answered the phone as he walked away.

"Hello? No... Luke please don't call me..."

And that's all I heard before he disappeared into his room.

I wondered about Harry as I tried to fall back asleep.

Why is he here? What did he need to get away from? Who is Luke? Is he gay?

These questions flooded my mind as I slowly drifted off to sleep.



In case you're wondering, the pics in the sidebar are what Harry and Liam look like in this book. Harry is 17 and Liam is 18.

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