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Harry (almost 8 months)

I was sitting on the bed, bored out of my mind, so I pulled out my phone to text Louis, Niall, and Zayn.

Anyone want to do something today? Liam has some stupid meetings or something.

You kidding me? It's New Year's Eve!

That's what I said.

Sorry mate Niall and I are working

Again, why the hell are you people working on New Year's Eve?

I'll do something with you Hazza. Cuz everyone else is really lame.

Hey, you didn't have to run away from home like the rest of us Z. We gotta work.

I heard a knocking at my door and got up to answer it, knowing it was Zayn.

"I had an incredible idea." Zayn said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I laughed. He's so overdramatic.

"Let's hear it." I laughed.

"Have you gotten any baby clothes yet?" He asked. I shook my head, realizing that I actually hadn't gotten anything for Aria yet.

"You're due in a month Harry! What are you doing with your life?!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me to his car. "We're going shopping."

We drove to the nearest mall, which was just over a half hour away, listening to Zayn's loud music, trying to sing over the radio and laughing the whole time.

We found the small baby store in the mall, and I immediately gasped when we walked in. My hand instinctively covered my bump as I walked through the store of the tiniest clothes I had ever seen.

"Oh my god this is adorable." Zayn said, holding up a little onesie that read Daddy loves me

I smiled tears filling my eyes. "Zayn I can't wait until she's here." I said, taking the onesie from him and running my fingers over the soft fabric.

He pulled me into a hug, but my huge bump got into the way, leaving the both of us laughing.

We picked out a few more of the tiny outfits, then went to check out. The woman behind the counter gave me a weird look. I rolled my eyes and paid for the clothes, then Zayn and I started to leave the shop.

"Fucking fags." I heard her mumble.

Tears filled my eyes when I heard that. I wanted to turn around and slap that woman in the face, but Zayn's grip tightened on my wrist and he lead me out of the shop. A tear fell from my eye as soon as we were out of there.

"Don't listen to idiots like that Haz." Zayn said, pulling me into a hug. I sobbed into his shoulder and he rubbed my back soothingly.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, pulling away and wiping my eyes. "I'm not even that upset. I think it's just the hormones."

Zayn nodded, hugging me again.

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