Aquaris 4

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I heard a noise and awoke, yawning.

Around me was rock walls...

Where am I?

Oh. Right.


In Axarion's house cave thing.

And I'm still a fish.

Could my life get any worse?

I probably shouldn't have thought that...

Suddenly, a large hand covered my mouth!

I nearly screamed as I scurried to get away.


I glanced back, with the hand still covered my mouth.

Axarion was standing behind me, leaning against the wall. He had some sort of long silver spear in the hand that wasn't suffocating me.

I made a cross face at him.

He looked confused and whispered, "what?"

I pointed at his large hand on my mouth still.

"Oh." He quietly removed his hand.

Just as I was about to ask why he was being so quiet and weird, I heard a noise come from outside of the cave-house.


It drew my attention towards the stone door.

A shadow passed over a crack in the old door, as a slimy sound slid against the wall.

It was the most creepy, frightening I have ever heard.

I can't even begin to describe what it was like.

I looked back at Axarion again.

He seemed to understand me completely even though I had said nothing.

The noise outside got louder and more viscous.

"Quickly. Come down here."

I did just as Axarion said. He waved for me to hide under the couch. It was raised up enough so I could comfortably sit under it without bumping my head.

Now I wouldn't be able to see anything going on.

The sea grass trailing off of all sides of the couch.

Not that it's a bad thing that I wouldn't see what that thing out there is... Axarion didn't have to tell me what it is for me to know, it's not gonna be pretty looking.

I heard Axarion walk away towards the door.


And that, is when everything imaginable happened at once.

The think slammed through the door with a ear splitting CRACK.

I heard the thing crash into things in the cave, sending things shattering on the ground.

It was snarling and slithering.

That's when it must have saw Axarion.

A high pitched scream nearly had me running home.

Or swimming.

A thunderous thump hit through the air and the thing whimpered but returned with a snarling rage.

Ok, by now I was really wishing to know what was going on.

Just as I was about to peek out, a voice in my head spoke loud and clear. But it wasn't my voice... I have no idea who is talking to me in my head..

"Don't look. Stay put."

I obeyed the voice, ignoring my curiosity, and the bile rising in my throat. After all, it probably knew better than me at this point.

It willed me to stay silent.

"Gah!" I heard Axarion call out in pain.

But just after, a slice of flesh was heard and the thing gave one last treacherous cry before it silenced all together.

What if Axarion is hurt too?!

The voice in my head had gone away, and now I was debating if I should come out now.

Luckily I didn't have to decide, for Axarion's face parted through the sea grass.

Thank goodness.

"We have to go." He said in a rushed way.

I crawled out from under the couch and straightened up. Axarion's large form was blocking my view from whatever it was laying dead on the floor. But I was able to see the door, split in two, on the ground.

That thing must be very strong to break that stone...

Still unnerved, I didn't fight as Axarion scuffled me over to the far corner.

He moved a potted sea plant of some sort, and lifted a perfectly square, carved stone from the floor. It revealed a small dark tunnel going down.

Without even needing to be told, I swam down it, Axarion close behind.

The light disappeared as he replaced the stone.

I was forced to stop for a second as my tail grew used to the darkness and the alumnus glow returned. I looked back at Axarion.

I didn't know which way to go.

Without a word, he swam down to me, and squeezed passed. The tunnel was so small, our bodies brushed as he passed me.

My arm was tingling with a warm feeling from where it had touched his.

I even think I was paralyzed for a moment there.


Oh, right.

He was almost out of sight when I felt the urgency come back and I surged into action, swimming fast to catch up.

I stopped just in time, barely avoiding crashing into Axarion. He had stopped and was looking around for something, running his hands along the walls.

He seemed to have found whatever he was looking for, and pressed. A small stone brick pushed in. On the opposite wall, part of the stone wall moved, revealing a hole.

We swam through and are now in a cold roomy area. The glow from our tails aren't enough for me to see where we are.

Axarion swam towards the right and I lost him in the darkness despite his glow.

Just as I was getting worried he had left me to die in the darkness or be eaten by some kind freaky ocean animal, and was about to call out, I heard a small click, and a blue light came on.

Now I could see. We are in yet anooother cave room.

Gosh how many of these things are there?


A light?



I examined the strange blue light closer. It looked like a jelly blob hanging on the wall...

I began to reach out to poke it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Axarion's voice made me turn around to face him.

"That is, not unless you want to be stung."

"But what is it? How can there be a light underwater?"

"It's a jellyfish. A special type that glows when it's censor is correctly hit."

Glowing jellyfish, I'm a fish, scary, big, noisy, attacking things, and a old insane man. What could possibly be next?

"Emma." Axarion's voice sounded serious and grave. "I need you to listen very carefully."

Turning my full attention to him, I nodded.

"That thing that attacked us up there, it's called an Eerog. They are ferocious and very good attackers. Their only goal is to kill. And all of their kills have been specific orders from Eratin. That is their king. Every different type of animal down here has a city ruled by the most powerful of their kind, their king. This thing came from its city, Eratias with direct orders to kill us. Someone has found out you are here and that I am sheltering you. Now, we must get to my city, Aquaris, secretly, without getting killed of course. There nothing but our kind can get in the city because of the force of powers from many kings long ago, surrounding the city. We will be safe there. In my kingdom, I will be able to train you, and teach you everything you need to know, for your future-"

My eyes widened and I couldn't help but interrupt. "Wait. Did you just say, you are KING of Aquaris?"

He became aware of what he had apparently not meant to have said. "Ah- oh. Did I say that?"

"Yes! Yes you did! Your a king!"

With regret he rolled his eyes. "Yes I suppose I am."

"I can't believe this! Why didn't you tell me!?"

"Because I didn't want you to know until we got to my city."

He raised his hand, signaling for me to stop talking.

Now that I know he is a king, I respect his signal and shut up.

"Well with that out of the way, one, I don't have to hide this anymore," slowly ancient gold writing and symbols appeared along both right, and left sides of his tail. "Two, we need to get a move on. Aquaris is over a day away, and the last thing we want is to have another Eerog, or worse things, to find us."

I nodded eagerly, so excited to see his city!

He's a KING for goodness sake!

Well I'm glad I haven't been super rude like I would normally have been.

Maybe this being a fish is bringing out my better side.

"Oh," he interrupted my thoughts. "We need to get you a name.. Well, and Aquarian name instead of a human name."


But I like my name...

Shut up! I can't argue with a king!

"By the kings before me, and before my father, I name you a full Aquarian, Aquema."

He pulled my right hand into his own, and a heat pulsed through me. When he let me have my hand back, on my pointer finger, was my new name, tattooed in the ancient lettering.

How on earth could I read this thing?

Whatever. I'm learning not to try and figure this kinda thing out. It hurts my brain.

I like my new name. It's like mermaid and my human at the same time. Aquaris plus Emma. Aquema.

Smiling, I snapped out of it and swam after Axarion, as he has found yet another hidden door.

I'm getting tired of these caves and magical door thingys.


We had been swimming for about an hour now and one word had not been spoken.

Well I guess he really is not much of a talker.

But I wanna talk.

There's so many things I want to know.

And all Axarion can do is look around for any sea monster waiting to murder us.

Should I go ahead and break this stupid silence?

Yeah, I'm going for it.

"Axarion, what do those.. Eerogs look like?"

He didn't seem to mind my talking.

Thank goodness.

"Horrible. They have a long tail, not like ours. Theirs is always a sickening green color, and small, thin fins trace along the entire length of the top and bottom. Their tails can send electric pulses and the shock can be so strong that it can kill in just on slight impact. Luckily, the one after us, seemed to have been suffering from a past injury and did not have use of the shock. They have six tentacles for arms, sort of like octopuses. Accept they have blades on the suction rings. That's what you have to watch out for while also dodging the tail. I must say," he chuckled. "They certainly keep you on the tips of your tail. Oh, they are also huge. But, that can be a disadvantage because it slows them down."

By now, I honestly regret asking in the first place.

I'm positive he could see how horrified I am. For when he looked over at me, he chuckled again. "Hey, you asked."

Strangely, a bit of excitement flooded through my veins.

This. Is. So. Awesome. So awesome that it's nuts. Completely nuts.

As my excitement begins to grow, I suddenly want to know more. Everything. I NEED to know. Right now.

I think I'm going insane.

He just told me something that sounded like my worst nightmare, existed. And I was HAPPY about it!?!?

Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with me.

But, I can't change the facts.


"Woooow... What other things are there? Are there mini mermaids? That would be so cute! What about underwater horses? I love horses! Can I have a glowing jellyfish as a pet?"

"Haha! Slow down there. You're gonna wear yourself out and we have a long way to go."

I gave him a pitiful look. I'm dying to know this stuff.

He sighed. "Ok now. Well let's see, where should I start."

We spend hours talking about different creatures, the most dangerous being the kraken, a giant octopus, 3,000 toothed, thingy that could swallow a house! We also talked about Hornias. Underwater horses! Underwater UNICORNS actually! Their horn is the color of their owners tail, and they stay with that owner until either one of them die.

Did you know no one mermaid has a tail the same color as another?

Well it's true.

We must have rambled on for hours. It helped pass the time of our long travel. The whole time, I can't help but stare at Axarion.

He is so.... Hot.

My gosh.

Why do I keep saying that?

What the heck is wrong with my fish brain?



Do ya like it? Huh? Huh? Huh? Hehe

Sorry it took me a while to update. I had three math lessons do do tonight, and I only was able to get to just one of them. So here I am at 2:00 I'm the morning, typing, half asleep. Fun.

Anywhooooooo, what do you think of Emma's new name? Cheesy? It was a very spur of the moment thing, but yeah, like I said, 2:00 in the morning. I don't really have a brain at that time. Or maybe I have a fish brain.. Haha

Haha y'all prob didn't even read this.

Don't forget toooooo...




I love you, my fish peoples. <3333


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