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One Dance-Drake

Emily POV

I slowly woke up and looked down at Terror who was still asleep but I was wrapped in someones arms, I was to sleepy to see who it was so I began to scream. Their hand covered my mouth, then they disappeared. I sat up and began to look around, I didn't wake up Terror thankfully. I sighed and walked over to my draws and grabbed a black singlet and red shorts, I walked in to the bathroom and got dressed but I kept thinking about that man who I woke up to. I felt protected and warm, I sighed and walked out of my room. I walked down the stairs and saw Sally playing with her teddy Charlie, Jane, Jeff and EJ were playing Xbox but LJ was nowhere to be seen. I sighed,

''good morning everyone,'' 

''good morning big sis,'' Sally said with a smile. EJ, Jane and Jill where to concentrated in to the game,

''umm guys is anyone here good making a small bed cause I need to make one for Terror?'' I asked as I leant against the lounge room door.

''yeah I do,'' I heard someone from behind me say, I turned around a saw LJ. The flashback of last night made me blush,

''and cause I trained only 3 days ago cause of Slender I have the day off so I can help you,'' he added,

''yes thank you,'' I  replied with a smile.

''who big do you want to make it?'' he asked,

''umm well cause he is small I think 650m by 470 maybe,'' I said unsurely,

''okay when do you want to do it?''

''when ever your ready,'' I replied.

''well I'm ready now so I'll go get some wood and meet you in the basement,'' he told me as he walked outside. I opened the basement door and walked out the stairs, the first thing I saw was the power tools hung up neatly on a broad. 

''okay I got the wood so lets get started,'' LJ startled me,

''shit you scared me LJ,''

''sorry habit,'' he apologise.

''it's alright lets get started,'' I said grabbing the rule and began measuring the wood. I couldn't stop thinking about what happen last night but it felt as if he forgot about it completely.


She almost caught me this morning so I'm trying to act as if nothing happen, hopefully she doesn't think I'm trying to forget about what happen last night cause I actually liked but I was just shocked. She seemed to know how to use all of the power tools which is different cause Jane only knows how to use a chainsaw, cause she sometimes cuts the bodies up and hangs them from trees. She seems calmer than most creepy pastas, and yet the most deadly when mad.

After making the bed

''I think he'll like it,'' I say as I placed the bed on the table,

''yeah he will cause it's a bed,'' she giggled. I love her laugh, I love her smile, I love her crazy side, I love her.She quickly walked up the stairs to go get some water, I have an idea I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket and message Em.

Me:Hey Em do you want to meet up?

Em: Hello and yeah when?

Me: Tonight at Slenders Woods

Em: Are you sure you want to meet there?

She must think I'm completely crazy to want to meet her there of all places, but she must know that Jack is me.

Me: Yeah around 8 I'll see you there bye.

Em: okay bye.

I could hear Em walk back down the stairs so I quickly placed my phone back in to my pocket,

''hey sorry I had gotten a message and had to reply thats why I took so long,'' she apologise.

''it's alright,'' I tell her, she handed me a water bottle as she opened hers.

''would you like me to carry it to your room for you?'' I asked her as I placed my bottle on the table.

''yes please,''

I then grabbed the bed and walked up the stairs, she followed. I slowly walk past the lounge room and saw Jane, Jeff and EJ were playing xbox, I smiled and walked up the stairs to her bed room she was still following me. I need to tell her I like her, but how I hate the fact I'm to nervous to even tell her. We made our way to her, she opened her door to see Terror still asleep.

''place it over there beside the my bed,'' she told me, I slowly placed it were she told me to place it so I wouldn't wake up Terror. He sleeps quite a lot for a teddy,

''thank you for your help LJ,'' she adds.

''No problem but I have to go out now so I'll see you later,'' I say leaving her room, I better go get ready for tonight.

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