My what?!

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Stressed out ' Twenty one pilots.

Laughing Jack POV

''well I'm going to have a shower and go to bed so goodnight see ya tomorrow morning,'' Emily says as she stands, her hair still looks blood red even in the dark. Jane, Jeff, Ben and I were playing Call Of Duty Ghosts, Jeff and Jane kept trying to kill each other; it got every entertaining. I could hear Emily turn on the shower.

''guys you know what day it is tomorrow?'' Slender Man says as he walks in to the lounge room,

''and what did I say about stealing?'' he adds.

''Yes we know and we didn't steal it Emily had it and put it out here for us,'' Jane says with a smile before she shot Jeff in the head with a shotgun.


''Language Jeff,'' Slender says crossing his arms. Jeff gulped,


''okay well its bed time for everyone so up to your rooms and good night,'' Slender tells us before walking in to his room that is across the lounge room and near the front door, its always been a pain cause we could never sneak out or anything. Everyone groaned but listen and went to their rooms, I walked past Em's and felt that she was still a wake and listening to music. I walked in to my room and closed the door. I can't believe Emily is Emily the weird girl that I had fallen for I'll tell her soon that it's me but for now I'm going to keep it my secret. I sighed and threw myself to my bed, my eyes began to fell heavy as I drifted to sleep.


Emily POV

I was waken by someone shacking me, there hands were cold as ice. I opened my eyes and saw Sally with a grin that went ear to ear,

''good morning get dressed in to your creepy pasta clothes and come down stairs,'' she told me before running out of my room, I probably have to get use to it. I got up and got dressed in to my dress and put of my manson boots, I looked in to the mirror and smiled. I looked scary when I smiled cause of the permanent smile I had but I also looked scary when I didn't smile. I sigh and walked down stairs, I couldn't see anyone.

''HAPPY BIRTHDAY!'' was yelled and everyone jumped out. I almost had a heart attack when Jeff jumped out and grabbed me,

''shit thanks guys but it isn't my birthday,''I tell them feeling bad.

''well cause we don't celebrate our real birthdays we celebrate our Transformation so today is you new birthday,'' Slender tells me. Its fair enough so today is my birthday,

''your clothes suit you,'' I heard Jane say as she walked in from the kitchen.

''I love that dress!'' Sally said as she ran up and started to feel the fabric,

''I like the boots,'' Jeff say.

''so what do we do on a Creepy Pasta birthday?'' I asked.

''well we aren't allowed to kill people without a reason so today your allowed to kill one person for no reason,'' LJ says with a smile, he has a cute smile.

''oh okay,''

''so what mark do you leave?'' Jane ask.


''Jeff leaves go to sleep as his mark, Jane leaves don't go to sleep and I leave a kid stuffed with candy as mine,'' LJ tells me.

''Oh yell cause my name is Emily Smiles I'll carve a smile in to the face of my victims before leaving like I did to the cat,'' I tell them.

''okay we can leave when ever your ready but first here,'' Slender says as he hands me a long item wrapped in black wrapping paper. I smiled and began to unwrap it when I saw a black blade,

''thank you Slender,'' I tell him as I grab the handle,

''and here I know it will by useful,'' Jane says as she hands me a sword holst that can hold my sword from Slender. It goes on my back,

'' this will he helpful for your carving knife sis,'' Sally tells me as she hands me a case that you strap to your leg.

'' this will he helpful for your carving knife sis,'' Sally tells me as she hands me a case that you strap to your leg

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I began to place the one Sally gave me on my leg, I lifted my dress up a bit and stabbed it on when I looked up LJ's face was bright red. I put the sword case on my back and placed the sword inside, I also grabbed my knife and placed it in side me let case.

''okay lets go,'' I say with a smile, everyone smiled at walked outside.

''there's a group of 5 teenagers entering the woods, there yours,'' Slender tells me, I nod and bang to run. LJ, EJ Jane, and Jeff followed Sally and Slender stayed at the house. I could see the group, Jane and Jeff hid behind a tree and watched me; LJ and EJ climbed the tree and sat on a branch and watched. I started to walk towards the group not showing my face,

''have you heard Slender Man lives in these woods with his family,'' A teen says,

''look there a chick,'' another one says as they all look at me. I could feel their fear and it felt awesome,

''are you alright?'' a boy asked he had black with hazel eyes, I looked up and felt their fear grew. I smiled and grabbed my sword, I ran at them and cut them down. I stabbed one in the stomach, one in the heart, and the rest in the throat, I began laughing at the sight of dead bodies. I soon stopped laughing and grabbed my knife and started to cut smiles in to their faces. I could feel their flesh ripping at I cut their faces, I felt wrong but I also felt good.

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