Modern: Favoite Video Game

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Sebastian- Slender man. You  and Sebastian laugh at how they try to scare you, since- being demons- you have seen things that would make this look like child's play.

Ciel- Skyrim. Ciel wasn't too interested in video games, but that changed when he saw you playing Skyrim. Later that day, he had gotten on and made him an account. You found him playing it at 3:00 AM. You laughed, because he said he wouldn't ever play a video game and like it.

Alois- Undertale. Alois downloaded the game to your computer without you knowing it. You found out about it not when you noticed it was downloaded. No, you found out when he started making puns.

Grell- Mortal Combat. You loved video games, and so did Grell. You bought Mortal Combat, and you and Grell both became addicted to it. You loved it's graphics, and Grell loved the blood.

Undertaker- Doom. You  love the fact that it has your two favorite things: fighting and dead things.

Claude- Minecraft. Claude had came into your room and saw you playing Minecraft. He asked you about it, and became intrigued. You gave him a controller so he could play. He died when he, at night, was attacked by a spider and refused to kill it.

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