Chapter 5: His Secret

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Sehun's P.O.V

I only told Hayoungie that Suho hyung likes Chorong noona, and as expected, her reaction was like Chanyeol hyung's.

"I knew it! They look good together though.", she said. I wish she would know my feelings for her, she is my ideal type after all. Hayoungie, I hope you will soon know my feelings for you, it really hurts when I see you talk or hang out with another guy.

"Oppa!", she waved her hand at my face, I guess I was spacing out.

"Oppa, what's wrong? Daydreaming about someone?", yes I am Hayoungie, I am always daydreaming about you and me, in the nearby future, right here, right now.

"Um...nothing, come on, let's enjoy this night.", I said pulling her hand to the guys and her members that were talking nonstop.

I'll be waiting for you Hayoungie, just remember that I'm always here for you, just come to me, and I promise, I'll never leave you, I'll make you happy, I'll do anything for you.

The party soon ended, we were glad that no one got drunk, because if there was someone who was, that would be a big problem.

We bid goodbye to APINK noonas, and headed back to our dorm.

"SUHO HYUNG LIKES CHORONGIE~", we said together like drunk friends going back, then Suho hyung's face started to get red, and what's worse, he won't stop smiling to himself because he finally witnessed her pouting. 

Chorong's P.O.V

Who is the one that Suho likes? I'm so curious T-T

I caught Sehun telling Hayoungie something, but what is it about? So way, is it about the person Suho likes? Maybe I should ask her? 

"Hayoungie, can I talk to you for a moment?", I asked her once we arrived at our dorm.

"Sure unnie, what is it?", then I asked her about what Sehun told her a while ago.

"Oh, unnie, are you thinking that me and Sehun oppa are a 'thing'? No way! Of course not, we are just friends. Or is it because you want Suho oppa to do that to you as well?", why that girl! I mean, I just want to know who Suho likes, is there a problem with that?

"Hayoungie, please just tell me, Sehun told you about it, right?", I pleaded her this time, but she told me the same, they were just talking about everything, except for that. Eventually, she told me that she knows who it is, but it isn't me. Well, I didn't want to hear anything about that, my heart was crushed into pieces, and I can't help but to feel this way.

"Oh okay, thanks.", I said without any emotions, I went back in my room silently, and thought about why I'm feeling like this. Maybe, just maybe, I like him? I don't know, my feelings are really messed up right now, I am in a state where I'm sad and upset when I found out that Suho doesn't like me.

"Its okay Chorong-ah, everything's gonna be fine.", I told myself and forced myself to sleep even if I didn't feel like it, I know I'm not being myself right now, but I just want to be alone for now, and I guess I can relieve my stress tomorrow after the Weekly Idol recording tomorrow. From what I know, that's the only schedule for us tomorrow, and nothing else, so after that, I'm gonna hang out at Han River, maybe cry and let out my feelings, or just think about my real feelings.

The next morning...

I woke up really late this morning, and it was already 11:00 am based on my clock. I went to check myself in the mirror and saw that my eyes were a bit red, and puffy as well. Did I cry to sleep last night? I'm sure I didn't, or maybe when I was having a bad dream? But I don't recall having one last night. 

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