Chapter 24: Is it The end already?

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*****************AUTHOR NOTE

HEY GUYS! this is crazy right? i mean an author note at the beginning? yep i'm going insane! anyway this is the final chapter before the Epilogue so i hope you enjoy the end! i just wan to thank you for reading this and going on this amazing journey with Kaida and me! thanks so much 

          never lose hope and never give up on your dreams!  


The sun peaked over the hill telling me that morning was here. 'good morning Kaida' my mind said mocking me. It was not a good morning, for today was the morning i shall die. I don't want to die, truthfully if i could chose the outcome i'd chose for us all to live, my second choice would be to have us all die at least that way wherever we go when we die we'll be together. I hope. I used to read about religion at the library, we don't really have it anymore but our million year old ancestors did. They had something called heaven, at least in the book i read, and if you're good or something you'll get there. Yeah i don't remember much.  I sat up and stretched. The two boys had fallen asleep. I decided it was time i got up and prepared my final goodbyes to the world. I had decided that i would die first and then let them work it out. I didn't want there to be a bloodbath, these were my two favorite people in the world! I started randomly humming as i pulled my jacket off, it was too hot anyway. 

are you are you coming to the tree

were they strung up a man they say murdered three

i sang the all too familiar word from my favorite song. 

strange things did happen here no stranger would it be

if we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

I looked up to the sky knowing there would be a camera on my face. 

"So....this is the end" i said to all of Panem. "Um...i guess i'm gonna die today so i just wanna say goodbye, i didn't really talk to many people but uh...well I guess there's not much to say bye" i said waving. Suddenly i saw a hovercraft appear in the sky "what the-" i started to say but then Erin walked up behind me, Axen followed. "what's going on?" he said as if i had a clue. I shrugged my shoulders as the hovercraft landed. The door swung open and out popped three men in suits and sunglasses. A third man stepped out but i didn't see his face. 

"drop all weapons" one of the men said. i dropped my knife, as did the boys. Then the man i had not seen before stepped out into the open. "Kaida" he said my name full of relief in his voice. i could do anything but stand there with my mouth hanging open. "shut your mouth dear you'll catch flies" Axen whispered jokingly. i shut my mouth and elbowed him in the arm. "Nice to see you again, S..Snow" i choked out i still couldn't believe he was here. This was starting to scare me. There he was standing right in front of me with that expression of his, full of relief and pain, but also cocky and independent at the same time. Even his smiled frightened me.

"what are you doing here?" Erin asked grabbing my right hand as if Snow would sweep me away if he didn't. Axen did the same to my left hand. "I'm here to speak with Kaida, my dear old friend" he said. I could practically hear the gasps of my child hood bullies that didn't believe me when i told them he was my friend so many years ago. "what could you possibly have to say to her" Axen said with more venom in his voice than i've ever heard in him. "how about sorry"

Snow's face changed in a flat out second going from his cocky smirk to a grief filled frown. "I'm so sorry Kaida, for everything" he began but I stopped him. "don't apologize Snow, You're not forgiven no matter what you do" i said . i added venom to it but not as much as i should have. Still though he cringed at my words. "i understand, but how about a little deal?" he asked returning his smile, only it was different this time, it hid fear behind it. "deal with the devil" Axen said coughing so that Snow wouldn't hear him. I muffled laughter and only let out a small chuckle. "what kind of deal?" i asked slightly amused, but also slightly terrified. "Come with me, let these too finish up here and you'll stay with me." he said full of hope. My mouth opened up again. Was he really cheating the games for me? NO no this had to be a dream. "I'm in love with you Kaida" he said. "okay no this was not a dream because he reached out and stroked my cheek. I felt both Erin's, and Axen's hand's tense up as if they were trying not to smack the president across the face. I knew that's what i wanted to do.

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