Chapter 10: Good-bye Training, hello Games

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            People have been staring at me all day. It was the second and final day of training. I wish we had more time to train. maybe someday there will be more time to train for the games. maybe someday there woun't be a games.  Never mind. i've been Practicing with knifes all day. When i walked into the training center today there were no guns to be found. I guess Mr. President is too much of a cry baby to keep letting me use them.  i yell at him once and he just takes them away like that! Like i said cry baby. anyway i don't think the other tributes like the fact that me and Snow are friends, or were friends anyway. Some tributes hate me others want to team up with me. I guess they think snow will cheat in the games so that i can win. But he would never do that. would he? No he loves these games he's told me himself, he would never cheat even for me. Or at least not now that i've pissed him off. Great. now i have 23 tributes on my back, subtract three Erin, Alicin and Calic. Truth is i'm really worried about Erin. He's determined that i win even though it means his death.  And i refuse to let his blood spill, so we're kinda at a cross roads here. I know no matter what we can't both make it out. Maybe if i ask snow a favor? No he probably hates me. And he's not above killing Erin right away just to hurt me. Erin will win and i will make sure of it. 

The Games begin  in two days. today is the final training and tomorrow is when we prove our skills to the game makers, i think. Anyway i think i'll do pretty good. i'm just going to demonstrate my knife throwing which i have been working on and is pretty good. I might practice some close up fighting. i doubt the'll have any guns there, so i'm practicing as much as i can with other things. I've also been taking Saudria's advice more seriously. She said we should match the skill of our enemy and them become stronger with power. She also said to intimidate them, not enough to make your self a target but just enough to make sure you're not taken lightly. You want to be known by sponsors. I'm pretty sure i'm already the target  of the careers. there always looking at me and laughing, probably talking about how they want to take me out. All of them just laugh at me,  except that district one boy, his name is Axen Romus. I've learned he's one of the extreme trainers in district one. That means he's seriously good. That also mean's i don't stand much of a chance.  

That Rossi girl From two is my real enemy though she's my age but I'm like Six times her size she's tiny. Pixie from one on the other hand  is like six times my size. The're total opposites, the only thing those girls have in common is the fact that they want me dead. Pixie, Rossi, and Roken are the ones i need to look out for. I'm not sure about Axen though. I'm also learning allot about Calic and his life back in eight. he told me about how he knows Alicin, she is his girlfriends little sister. She died last year in the games and she asked Calic to look after her family. Alicin has a little brother and a big brother back at home. The're all a few years younger than Calic. Calic told me how her older brother Menus died a few months after his sister did. Menus never liked Calic and when his sister died he blamed Calic and ran away. A few Months later they found his body near the woods. He committed suicide. Calic felt so guilty he almost gave up himself, but he had to be strong for little Alicin and Crater the youngest brother. I felt very touched by his story. I didn't tell him mine though.

It was getting late and i had to go to sleep. tomorrow i would have to prove my self and try to get a big score. i laid down my head and shut my eyes tightly. for some reason sleep came easily that night unlike most of the time. I didn't dream that night. or if i did i didn't remember it. When i woke up i got into my training uniform and prepared for the day. I walked down and ate breakfast silently. We're from district three so we go third for just about everything. before i knew it we were rushed down and were waiting for our names to be called. "Kaida Rose"  they finally called. we hadn't been waiting for more than twenty minuet but it felt like eternity. i walked in and immediately had full attention. it felt awkward but i just kept walking in. "um...kaida Rose district three" i said confidently and went to pick up some knifes to throw. i heard mumbles and then someone said "yes i'm sure it's her" i looked back to them just a an avox boy came in with a giant rack of guns. I recognized his face "V..Vites..?" i whispered to him.  he did not look like himself. His eyes were red and puffy from tears and his completion resembled a sick fish, in a dried up puddle. I did this. i realized. If i hadn't got into a fight on the first day than he wouldn't have been tortured like this. he almost cried when he looked at me but he sucked it up and left. i picked up one of the guns that were clearly meant for me and began to shoot. I shot every target spot on and i even added some somersaults and a flip or two here and there. After i finished i looked back at the stunned Game makers and smiled. "thank you" i said and walked out. "i told you it was her, If we could bet on these kids that girl would have my vote" i heard one of them say as i left. i felt my lips tug into a small smile as i walked to the door. just as i opened the door i heard something that angered me for a moment. "well she's gotta win with all the help she'll be getting from the president" i slammed the door shut on my way out. "how did it go?" Saudria and Candria asked as the rushed up to me. Erin was right behind them looking hopeful. i didn't make any eye contact as i stormed away. "marvelous, perfectly marvelous" i grumbled loud enough for all of the tributes in the hallway to just barley hear. Just marvelous.

Later we all sat by the T.V. in our room and watched intencly to see what scores we got. I held my notebook close in my hand and took notes on the whole thing.

  Pixie Roster-9  Axen Romus-10                                                                                                                         Rossi Cruke-8  Roken Harcle-9                                                                                                                              i looked up worriedly as my face flashed upon the screen                                                                               Kaida Rose-10

i smiled very proud of my ten and looked over to Erin who gave me the biggest grin. We all looked back at the Screen.                                                                                                                                                     Erin Colt-10                  

"whoo-hoo" i yelled high fiving Erin. "great job kids" Saudria said and left without another word. "that was weird" Erin commented as Saudria left. "she's probably just tired" Candria said "i'll just um...go check in on her"? she said and hopped of the couch. "great job" she said scurrying away. "that was extra weird" i said Erin and i sat there another minute silently, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a friendly comfortable silence. i smiled in spite of my self. "well um..the inter views are tomorrow" Erin said Breaking the silence.  "yep" i said not looking at him, because i knew that if i looked into his eyes i might Cry. i've cried in front of Erin before but every time i do i'm afraid he'll judge me. i know he never would though. "you have allot on you're mind don't you" he said obviously reading my mind. i Nodded even though he knew i did anyway. "i assume you don't want to talk about it" he said once again reading me like a book. i smiled a little and nodded. "well then i wish you the warmest dreams" he said getting up and kissing me on the forehead. "my beds always open if you have any nightmare's' he whispered in my ear as he left. i just smiled and realized how happy i was he was here. then I realized how mad i was that he was here. i suddenly became so angry at him. 'why the hell did he volunteer after me? why couldn't he just stay in three? how am i going to keep him alive and make it out of here myself? what the hell am i going to do?!?!'   I felt my head start to hurt, and i groaned. Suddenly Erin was by my side out of no were helping me up. i must have fallen off the couch. He carried me to my bedroom and set me gently on my bed. i felt myself slipping as the light of my room dimmed and then went all black.  I could just barley feel his lips on my cheek. I heard the door close softly. And then i was gone. 

*******Salutations my fellow Wattpadians i hope you enjoyed chapter 10. in chapter 11 the have the interviews and then after that the games!!!! i'm super excited for you to read and soon finish this. i bet you can't wait to see what happens, i know i can't. i hope you've enjoyed so far and i hope you'll enjoy the future chapters when i post the future. just so you know there's a pic of Axen on the side, anda talk about HUNK...eekkk i'm super excited. gotta go i'll see ya round. never  stop believing and never give up on your dreams (i mean it) (like seriously don't freaken give up because if you do i will find you and i will pummel you) have a lovely day!                                                                                                                                            -writeitout32423

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