Chapter 14: District 5

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'swish'....'swish'.... The tree's danced in the late night wind. it was the first night of the games. Alicin cuddled up with Calic in his sleeping bag. Erin cuddled up in mine. Me Sitting out here in the cold, keeping watch. 'swish'...swish'... I hate that sound it sounds like someones there hiding. 'swish...swi..*CRACK*. Someone is hiding. I pull out my knife but keep it at my side. "show your self" I whisper trying not to wake anyone. "I come here in peace...please don't hurt me" A small voice whispered through the trees. I still couldn't see her. "Come out of hiding" i said staring intensely at the dark tree's all around. This could be a trap, and if it is i'm not taking any chances. "Promise not to kill me" the voice whispered. "no" I whispered sternly so she knew i wasn't kidding. She giggled and walked out of her hiding spot slowly and quietly. Her  eyes glistened in the moon light, like a puddle of  blue glittering magic. They were even More impressive than Erin's eyes, which were pretty impressive. She had dirty blond hair tat had leaves in it. Her face and arms were covered in dirt, suggesting that she has fallen a few time. She twitched and hopped forward a little bit. She looked at me Embarrassed. A little smile crept onto my face. "what was that" I asked. " Get the twi.twitches..somet...times" she said stuttering. I heard a giggle escape my lips. I walked over to her and  looked closer at her face. "Maxine..right" i asked.

she nodded as her shoulder twitched a little. "sorry for kinda cutting off your air today" i said still smiling in a sarcastic way. "It's f..fine"  she said looking at her feet remembering today.  "sounds like you got a bit of a stutter there" She looked up as i spoke. "y..yep" she said. with a little awkward smile. "and you're from District 5"  I said recalling what she had told me earlier. she nodded. " so...did you come here to try to kill me or..what" I asked getting board of just standing here making small talk. Her head shook rapidly. " j..just wanted to be p..part of you" She said. She blinked really fast for a second and walked closer. I let my eyebrows fall in confusion. I could barley understand what she was saying.   After taking a deep breath she began. "I. want. to. be. part. of. your. group."  "why" i asked. "I have chance of staying alive past the first few nights, and i..i'll only stay with you for a while..i..i just want" A tear formed in her eye. "Fine, your in" she smiled excitedly. "on one condition"  i finished. "Wha..what's that" she asked. "Your turn to keep watch"

i walked over to were Erin was sleeping peacefully and snuggled in next to him. I could Feel Maxine smile. She sat down And watched the woods silently I felt my eyelids get heavy. Finally i drifted into sleep. "ahhhh" a piercing scream entered the night. I sat straight up along with Erin who's arms that were previously rapped around me now Hung by his side's. My vision failed me in the dark. But i could make out Calic, holding a knife over someone. His foot was on there neck. I could see Maxine's Dirty blond hair sprawled out on the ground as if he had tackled her. "CALIC NO" i yelled he saw me just in time to save Maxine. I got up as he took his foot of of her neck. She opened her eye's. I saw Calic"s Eyes grow six times, normal size. He dropped the knife. It landed right next to Maxine's head, slicing off a clump of her hair. "ss..sorry, miss?" he said Miss as a question. "Her names Maxine, she part of the group now...I guess i should have told you that"  He smiled embarrassingly. "tha..that's okay. Nice to meet you Maxine" he stuttered. "You can me M..Max...,and um..nice to meet you t..too" "Calic" He said giving her his name , all too willingly. Alicin And Erin Walked up. "Um this is Maxine Clover she's kinda a part of out group't like kill her or anything" i said to them they smiled and introduced themselves. "Nice to finally meet you all" she said, with the biggest smile on her face. " i look forward to getting to know you guys" she said. It sounded like it was meant for all of us but she looked at Calic as she said it. 

CRACK..CRACK..CRACK.... The wood's yelled out. CRACK..CRACK... "kill them all" Someone yell. Suddenly the career's came running for us. We were all to stunned to move at first. They were still pretty far away. "Save the District three girl for me" I heard Roken yell. God i hate him. "come on" i yelled pulling everyone with me as i ran into the cave. I pointed everyone to the hole i had dug today. I knew it would be worth in. "go in there" i whispered. they all climbed into the whole that led under ground. It was probably pretty cramped in there. "there's a tunnel just climb out When the leave" i whispered as Erin climbed in last. "What about you" he said "I'll be okay just go"  i whispered toughing his cheek with the back of my hand. "No..i'm not leaving yo-"  "just go" i cut him off. "Were are they" Roken yelled furiously. "Oh Roken" I said Tauntingly standing at the entrance of the cave. he looked at me. his eye's filled with hatred. "nice knowing ya" i said pulling the string i had set up earlier. I knew this "just in case" plan would work. The cave crumbled down onto me.

"No"  i heard someone yell. I couldn't tell who it was. Maybe Axen? I ducked down under the rocked so i was unseen. It hurt a little but the rocks weren't strong anyway so i was fine. Roken stifled laughter. Yes it was Axen. Because then i heard something that stunned me out of my mind. "Axen why did you do that!" Pixie the district one girl shrieked. "dude you just punched me in the face'" Roken yelled. ":Yeah like i didn't realize that your face is like a wooden door." he said sarcastically. I peeked out of my rock shield to see what was happening. Roken grabbed Axen by the neck of his shirt and held him up to his face. "Look kid i don't care who you "like", or "love"  or whatever, but your little imaginary girlfriend is my Prey, and My prey NEVER escapes, so you're either on my side or her's, Our group or there's" he said. Axen squirmed out of his grip. "maybe i will go join them" he said. "ha.. and watch her get all lovey dovey with her sweet little 'Erin'" Roken said making a childish little kid voice. "you're better off helping me,  i mean were she is Erin is, You said it yourself You want to kill him when you get the chance"  "what dose it matter anymore.. you saw what she did, she's de..dead" He said sounding uncomfortable with saying that. "Not true my friend not true, she is still alive" "how do you know" Rossi said walking up to Roken. "No cannon" he said. "then why don't we just kill her now" Rossi asked confused. I already knew what he was going to say. "because my dear, it's all a game....and i like to give them a good show" 

***************Good day Sir's And Mrs.'s (Speaks in a terrible British accent) How Lovely Is this beautiful occasion, So nice of you to read my Fan fiction, I just Truly love each and every one of you beautiful souls. (back to normal) Sorry Just went all 14th century on you there. what i meant to say is....sup. I Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Spoiler alert in the next chapter things get really juicy between Kaida and all of these guys!!! and i don't mean Apple juicy i mean JUICY juicy. Like extreme, Juicy Lucy Juicy. It gon be Cray, totes Cray. Although i'm kinda bummed it's not Apple Juicy....I <3 APPLES!!! I hope you're enjoying so far and i can't wait to hear from all of you, make sure to Vote for my fanfic, *(but only if you like it, YOU BETTER VOTE JERK....i..i mean no pressure) And leave a comment i love hearing from you guys, weather is bad feedback or good feedback i don't care just leave  a comment vote and have a splendid day! I love you all never give up hope, and never give up on your Dreams, (I'm warning you don't you DARE give up you little sun of a bi- um.. i mean i love you?                                                                                                                                              - Writeitout32423

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