Chapter 19: the feast

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"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU IDIOT'S" I shouted making each and every one of them shutter with fear. "I'M PAYING YOU TO KEEP HER ALIVE, NOT BUTCHER HER FOR GOD'S SAKE" I yell louder this time. I watch as they shutter with fear. I clearly have there attention.  "but sir, we're very limited in this situation" one of them spit's out trying not to make eye contact, as if my eyes could burn a whole through his head. "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WE'VE HAD TO MANY CLOSE CALLS, I REFUSE TO SEE HER BLOOD SPILL IN THAT ARENA" I yelled. I was not convinced. "what do you want us to do sir? we have to make it seem real, people aren't suppose to know that we control the whole thing" I was more angry than I've ever been. I sat down and tried to calm myself. "she can't..can't die" I said. I but my head in my hands and tried to calm myself again. it wasn't easy. "I can't let her...die" I felt my throat swell up with tears that I refused to let fall in front of these people.  I slammed my fist on the table making them shake again. "JUST GET HER OUT OF THERE ALIVE" I yelled walking out. I slammed the door behind me. I swore to it, if they let anything happen to her, I'll rip off there heads one by one and mount them to my wall.  her blood won't spill, not while I'm here" 


I woke only a few moments after falling asleep to the sound of air whirling around loudly. It was a hovercraft. 'am I dead' I thought frightened. But I looked up to see them lifting the body of a young girl. A tear fell down my cheek as I realized what little girl it was. Alicin. Her body was lifted into the air on a small platform. I saw her face before they started lifting her up. She had berry juice streaming down her chin. She'd drunk the poisonous juice. she committed suicide. Her arm dangled down from the platform. it waved back and forth in the air, as if she was waving goodbye. I waved goodbye back. "goodbye Alicin, say hi to Calic for me" I whispered to her. I knew she heard me. Alicin was gone. Gone for good. and the games were coming to an end.

I decided not to go back to sleep, it was dark but I could tell the sun would be rising soon so I might as well just walk around for a while. Today there would most likely be the day of the feast. The day of the feast happens around the end of the games. they invite everyone to a feast at the cornucopia. some people go, some don't. the feast is really meant just to bring us closer to each other so we can finish the games.  I was out of food. Nothing left. I had to go to this feast. I walked around aimlessly waiting for daybreak. I sat under a tree and closed my eyes. A second later, I felt a cold sharp metal against my throat. "YOU'RE KAIDA ROSE" A boy shouted, holding the knife to my neck. it wasn't really a question. "YES AND YOU'RE INSANE" I shouted back, opening my eyes. I had a knife next to me but he had his foot on my wrist. I tried grabbing for it but he kicked it out of my reach. "DID YOU KILL ALICIN?"  he yelled in my face. "NO" I shouted "WHY ARE WE SHOUTING" he looked at me confused for a second. I had enough time while he was distracted to kick his legs out from beneath him, making him fall. I grabbed my knife and pushed my foot into his chest holding him down. I held my knife to his neck. "STATE YOUR NAME AND DISTRICT" I yelled. "R..Rory West...district 6" he said. "good job bye the way, that was pretty impressive" he said. I let him up, but kept my knife pointed at his face. he held his hands out in defense. I noticed a small string bracelet on his wrist. "where did you get that" I asked he looked to his wrist as if for the first time. "A..Alicin" he said. "she gave it to me and said to find you before the feast...she said if you saw me wearing it, you'd know to trust me, I guess that didn't work though" he said finally letting his arms fall to his sides. "I guess not" I said putting my knife away. I kept my hand on it though in case he tried anything funny. "why did she want you to find me before the feast?" I asked. "Beats me, she did say something about not trusting Erin though, I don't know" he said shrugging his shoulders, I cringed. I hate it when people shrug there shoulders like that. "why would she say not to trust Erin?" I asked. "I don't know but I've met him and I wouldn't trust him either" he said shrugging again. I felt my face fall in confusion. "but...I've always trusted Erin"

"Attention all remaining tributes, I hereby invite you to the annual Hunger Games feast, taking place at the Cornucopia. all remaining tributes welcome"  the announcer said. it was about noon. I had spent the entire morning with Rory, trying to figure out our Plan for the feast. We need food, and they'll most likely have more weapons there. I'm gonna need something more than a knife. "I say we leave early and get there around the beginning of the feast, then I can run up before anyone and grab some weapons, i'll try to fight off who ever comes to close, while you get the food" I finished drawing out our plan in the dirt with my finger. "ok" he said. so far he'd agreed with every plan I came up with. "um, ok then we'll go with that one" I said "let's start walking now then"  "ok" every time he'd say okay he'd shrug again. I hated him a little bit, but I could ignore it. okay maybe I couldn't, but I wasn't about to kill him for shrugging to much. Okay maybe I was. "would you quit it" I said as he shrugged again. "Quit what?" he asked. "quit IT with the shrugging and everything, it's annoying" I said annoyed. "sorry" he said shrugging once again. "STOP' I yelled. he laughed a little. I nudged him friendly and giggled. he nudged me back. we nudged and giggled all the way to the cornucopia

"there it is" I said when we reached the arena. "yep" he said and shrugged...again. I noticed some other tributes around. I Decided it was time to make my move. I Ran to the middle of the Cornucopia and grabbed the first weapon I saw.  it was a long stick like thing with two wholes at the top and bottom of it. I quickly realized what it was and filled it up with the darts that Alicin had. I had them in the small bag, in one of my pockets. I put one in the tube and blew at the first tribute I saw coming. Roken. it hit him in the ankle making him fall to the ground. he screamed in agony. I put another dart into the tube and prepared to shoot it at anyone coming my way. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. At first I didn't see anyone one coming. Rory came behind me and grabbed some food. "come on" he said. we began to run away from the scene just as someone hit me from behind and pulled me to the ground. I landed underneath my attacker. he kissed me on the nose. "Erin?" I asked. "nope" a voice that I knew by now said. "oh get off me Axen you're crushing my ribs" he jumped off of me and helped me up. he kissed me on the cheek but when he looked at me his smile was gone and replaced with a serious frown. "I know you woun't listen to me but, please be carful.....don't trust Erin" he said. before I could question him he ran off. I was left standing there until Rory pulled at my wrist. "COME ON WE HAVE TO GO" he shouted in my ear.  "KAIDA" I heard my name being called. it was an unmistakable voice. "ERIN" I yelled searching for him. "Kaida come on" Rory said trying to pull my wrist. But I ran to where Erin was yelling my name. just then Roken came from behind me and Stabbed Rory with a dagger. "RORY" I yelled. he was dead before he hit the floor.

I ran the opposite way before Roken could touch me. I Made it too the woods with a little less than a few scratches. I had tears running down my cheeks. I was scared and confused and suddenly I missed that boys shrugging. I tried to ignore the truth that was eating me alive. was it possible that Erin purposely distracted me so that Roken could make the kill. No it wasn't possible. Or was it.


Sup bro's and sis's I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I don't have much to say but I do want to tell you that I love you all so much for reading this far!! thanks!!! I hope you've enjoyed so far. Never give up hope and never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever give up on your dreams!!!!                                                         -writeitout32423

PS there's a pic of Rory West on the side chek it out!!!

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