Chapter 11: The Interviews

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i got up bright and early the next morning with the sunlight shining in my eyes. I was in Erin bed again. i sat up and stretched which woke him up. "another bad dream" i asked.  "yep, but i don't mind" he said smiling and sitting up to. "neither do i" i whispered, giggling a little. He pulled me into his lap and played with my hair. "hey today's the interviews" he said smiling and resting his head on my shoulder. suddenly Cinna walked by in the hallway and stopped in the door way. "oh no dear Kaida what are you doing with those looks you could do allot better" he said shaking his head. "Cinna!" i yelled jokingly. "oh..oh.. i'm just kidding, but still" he said making both Erin and i roll back laughing. "now come sweetheart we must prepare you for your interview tonight"  he said rushing me out of bed "it's going to be a big day for you two" he said. "how" i asked "today is your last chance to make an impression on the sponsors" he replied. i nodded understanding. "so you're going to make me pretty" i said smiling and batting my eyelashes like my other stylists taught me how to do. "no i'm here to make you look desirable" he said. the way he said it made me feel self conious for a second but then the feeling disappeared. i smiled "then let's get started"

Six hours later and i wasn't even sure if it was me in the mirror. "Cinna it's brilliant" i said admiring my black and greenish blue glowing dress. "I'm madly in love with it" i said. "as will the audience be with you" he said kissing my hand.  The dress was simple yet elegant. Black with blueish/green glowing short sleeves and a belt glowing the same color, the skirt of the dress was puffed out almost like a tutu. underneath the black skirt was some of the extra glowing fabric that was keeping the tutu in place. my shoes were just simple black heels with little glowing silver swirls. I admired the dress even more than the girl inside it. My make up wasn't much different from the welcoming parade. i had little blue diamonds around my eyes and my hair had more colors in it. my eyelids painted silverish turquoise with eyeshadow. even my eyelashes sparkled with silver glitter. It was glamorous, even though i almost hated to admit it. i Joined Erin out in the hall about 20 minuets before the show started. he was wearing a grayish silver suit with a blueish green glowing tie, and matching shoes. his hair was slicked back with a little bit of silver color. he was magnificent. "shall we" he asked putting his arm out for me to take. "we shall" i answered. we walked there together. when we finally showed up it was five minutes before the show and i started freaking out. "what am going to say? what am i going to do?" i asked a little to fast for any one but Erin to  understand. "it'll be fine just calm down and relax" he said. his calm voice immediately soothed me. The lights flashed and the Show Began.

"hello there i'm Surgius Flickerman and this is my son and apprentice Caesar. we are here to interview the 16th annual hunger games Tributes"  he all but shouted into his mic. this Guy has been doing this show for years. in a few years his oldest son Caesar is suppose to take over, right now i think he's like, fourteen, or something. "let's begin shall we" he announced the whole time he interviewed tributes from district one and two i was trying to get my heart rate down to normal. I finally calmed my self down until i heard my name get called. "The District three female tribute, Kaida Rose" Surgius yelled.  I started to walk out onto the stage. my feet felt like 40 pound rubber, i could barley move them. suddenly my feet slipped out from beneath me and i was on my butt. Great, just  wonderful. Young Caesar rushed over to help me up. "You know miss Rose your eyes glow just as bright as that lovely dress you're wearing". he said helping me up and kissing my hand. ",..uh..nice hair" i said awkwardly. the crowd laughed at my random compliment. "what" i said "blues my favorite color" i said smiling. the crowd laughed again as Caesar guided me to my seat. "well hello there miss Rose Welcome to my show. are you excited to be here?" Surgius asked. "um...yeah can't you tell, i'm glowing with excitement" i said giggling awkwardly at my own dumb joke. "and glowing you are" he said still smiling. "Now tell me kaida you know you're the first ever volunteer for district three, how dose that make you feel" he asked leaning in. His son mimicked his moves "um..pretty important i guess" i answered even more awkwardly than before. "well i guess you are pretty important then" he said. the crowd cheered making me feel a little bit better. "and tell me why you volunteered?" he asked leaning in again. "why wouldn't i, i got to come to the capital, it's all worth it if i get to live here even for a few days" he laughed at my response. it was a lie but it made the entire audience erupt with applause.  "you  wanted to some to the capital, why so badly" he held back a chuckle. "the Shower's here are amazing, have you tried them, you can any sent in the entire world and suddenly you smell like's practically magic" i said earning a ton of laughs. it was a dumb response but hey, the people love funny me. "gosh dad this ones funny, annnnd beautiful" Caesar said making sure to roll out the and. "This may get me in trouble with your mother son but i agree" he said smiling at me with wide eyes. "hey toots if you make it out of this alive how's about you and me getting some lunch or something" Caesar asked jokingly. at least i hope it was jokingly. "well i do like lunch" i said giggling at his lame attempt to "woo" me. "well we're almost out of time but i just have one more question for you"  "ask away" i said smiling confidently. "when are you and That Erin kid finally gonna admit you're dating" my jaw must have dropped through the floor. "um..we're..we're not a couple" i said when i was finally out of shock long enough to speak. "well of course you two are i mean have you seen the way he looks at ya, it even make Caesar here jealous" he laughed. Caesar sat up. " we're not together" i said. "well in that case..."Caesar said and quickly planted a little kiss on my cheek. "well that's all the time we have with The lovely Miss Kaida Rose, everybody" Surgius yelled Grabbing my hand and standing up. i quickly walked off the stage just as Erin was being announced.

"well Erin lets get started, shall we" Erin nodded. " Now i was going to save this for last but since we were just on the topic, how's that relationship of your's with Kaida" he asked i feared what Erin would say. "Relationship? please Kaida's way to good for me i'm hardly worthy of her friendship let alone being her Boyfriend, back at home she has guys knocking down her doors, but she never goes out with just anybody, no you got to totally worthy for her" he said laughing a little. i was partially stunned at his response. "you think i'd have a chance with her" Caesar asked. 'Erin you better answer this very,very carefully' i thought in my head. 'i'm not afraid to go out on that stage and tackle somebody. i thought said under my breath. "Little buddy you'd be better off planting a kiss on me" he said leaning down. The audience and Surgius laughed. "i don't know what's in the food over there at district three but it's definitely working, young man" Surgius said shaking Erin's hand. "so you like her right, i mean like like" he asked Erin. "yeah of course every guy dose, i mean what's not to love perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect body, and a voice that was hand crafted by the most beautiful of singing birds" Erin smiled as he said the last part. "oh and between you and me i think i saw that district two guy Roken checking her out during training" a childish "oooohhhhhh" came from the crowd. i heard an angry Roken yell From behind me. "WHAT!!" he yelled i giggled a little bit. "well that's very interesting, now you say Kaida's a beautiful singer?"  Surgius asked "yes, magical, if i can i'll try to get her to sing for you guys in the games" he said the crowd cheered. "well you seem to know allot about Kaida" he said leaning in like he did with me. "well i am the president of her fan club"  Erin Smirked. "she has a FAN CLUB!!!" Caesar said surprised. "yeah everyone loves Kaida, even ask President Snow" As soon as he said it it was over. everyone was silent. "Erin Colt everybody" Surgius yelled Rushing Erin off the stage. i knew why he said that but i wish he wouldn't have. "is it just me or did he ask you more about me than he did about you" i asked as we walked back to our rooms. she chuckled. Candria scurried up to us. "great job that was Fantastic"  she squeaked. we walked back to our rooms. i changed showed and climbed into bed. I shut my eyes tightly and tried to sleep.

i felt my self being shaken a few moment later. "KAIDA" Erin yelled waking me up "i heard you screaming are you ok" he asked. i nodded still in his arms. i tried to ignore the fact that he was in nothing but boxers. even more i tried to ignore the fact that i was wearing only a big t-shirt and panties. I could feel my body tense up and shake. "do you want to spend the night in my room?" Erin asked. "" i stuttered, "but..can i put a bra on first?"  He nodded and smiled. A minuet He carried me to his room, and sat me down on the bed just as he had twice before. we laid down in the comfort  o f each other's arms and tried to fall asleep. "i'm scared" i whispered. "it's okay, i'm here" Erin whispered back into my hair. "Erin, it's okay if you're scared too, even brave people get scared sometimes, you can tell me if you're scared" i whispered looking up to him. "i am scared but i'm also brave" he mumbled. his warm breath brushed against my cheek. "It's okay, i think you have to be a little scared in order to be brave in the first place" i whispered and yawned. "you shouldn't feel like you're forced to be brave for everyone else Kaida, sometime you have to cry, and that's okay" Erin whispered his thumb genitally pulled my chin to his so that our eyes could meet. "I'll be brave for you" he whispered this time his warm breath touched my lips making my spine tingle. "i'll be brave for you too" 

*************Bonjour my little friends i hope your day is going just as splendid as mine.....jk it's like 1:27am and i'm SUPER tired but i just had to finish this chapter for you guys soi hope you chapter our friends Erin, and Kaida will be in the GAMES!!! can't wait. oh and before i forget there's a pic of Rossi Cruke the district two girl tribute on the side. i hope you enjoyed reading this so far and please continue reading this in the near future. also vote and comment on my story i just love hearing feedback from you guys so yeah let me know what you think! i love you all. never lose hope and NEVER give up on your dreams (never ever)                                                                                                                                             -writeitout32423

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