Chapter 16: Turkey Kisses

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I can't stop thinking about Pixie. No matter what i do she finds away to put her self back in my head. I've had nightmares about her. She was my first kill, not only that but she is..i mean was engaged. i don't even know who she was engaged to, but whoever he was, he's probably pretty mad right now. It's been two days since Maxine was killed. I think Calic's going insane. He can't stop talking about her. "Kaida, we need more food, Can you come hunting with me?" Erin asked Breaking my train of thought. " yeah let's go" I said just as Calic walked over. "You know she told me why she always twitched so much..and stuttered.....It was because one day when she was little she went to visit her Father..and it was raining. She got struck by lightning at the powerhouse where her dad worked. Afterwords people made fun of her for twitching all the time, and stuttering....i don't know why they did that...i thought it was beautiful" He finished his randomly sad story with tears. I walked over and hugged him tightly. "shh it's okay Erin and I will be right back...we're gonna go and get some food, okay" he nodded. "watch Alicin... we'll be right back" i said picking up my knife and leaving.

poor kid i thought as we walked away from the small camp we set up. After i killed Pixie a white parachute came down with some tarp material in a box. we used it to make a tent, since our cave was destroyed. It was once again just the four of us.  I missed Max, she was funny and weird and Most importantly she was my first real girl friend. I mean Alicin was my friend but we didn't hang out much before Maxine came, she was always with Calic, even in practice. Alicin loved Max too. We were all best friends in only an hour. Talking as if we've known each other forever. I don't know why, every once and a while we'll come across another tribute and we'll just run away and leave them alone. If they don't bother us we don't bother them. I know that's not what we're supposed to do, but i don't want to kill anyone right now, not if i don't need to. I don't want to become some murderess beast with no soul, nope no thanks. The way i see it. None of us deserve to be here, no one should have to die, but I can't change this now, so i might as well let them live while they can

. "there"  Erin whispered pointing to a large Bird i quickly recognized as a turkey. there are a whole bunch of them in district three , i've had a couple..there actually pretty good. I prepared to throw my knife in it's direction aiming for the eye. one..two..three..throw! I threw the knife, and it hit the turkey straight in the head, causing him to fall to the ground. "sweet" i said grabbing it by it's legs. "Let's go" i say as we start walking back. "Don't you want his brother too"  a voice i can only recognize as Axen's said from behind us. I turned around to see Him standing there holding an even bigger turkey than ours. his shirt was tied around his waist displaying his abbes, which were rock hard to say the least. Her had some scratches on his arms suggesting that he's fallen into multiple bushes. He even had the  shaved Skin of a raccoon on his head like a hat. He looked like he'd been living in the woods for years, except for the fact that he was very well fed. he smiled at me and started walking closer to us. Erin held out his knife and i pulled mine out of the turkey's head. "whoa, careful you might hurt yourself with that big boy" he said laughing to Erin. Erin growled a little which i suddenly found super cute. "here" Axen said handing the turkey to me I took it out of his hand. It was heavy but i tried not to let it show. Erin grabbed it out of my hands. "what'd you do to it"  he spit at Axen with as much Venom in his voice as he could use, i flinched at the sound. I'd never heard Erin speak like that. I was use to the calm collected voice. This was just scary. "Nothing..i swear" Axen said Putting his hands up in defence. " why are you giving it too us then"  i asked. he looked to me and suddenly smiled sweetly. "i don't want you to starve" "we already have one idiot" i said letting a small smile escape. "That little thing, yeah that will last the four of you" He laughed with sarcasm. "what do you mean you don't want us to starve" i asked suddenly very suspicious. Erin took the other turkey from me. I held my knife ready to strike in case i needed to. "i just don't want you guys to starve, Rokens out to kill you, i figured the last thing you need is to starve to death, and be too weak to fight him back" he answered putting his hands down. "i thought you were on there team" Erin said still for some reason Angry at him. "tell you the truth i hate those guys, and i needed to thank you on behalf off my brother, for killing Pixie" "your brother was engaged to Pixie?" i said in question form. "yep, well sorta, they were engaged by accident, after having two accidental kids, He bought a ring, but it wasn't meant for her. He'd been trying to brake them up for years, he started seeing someone else. So did she, she got pregnant with some other guys kid, and then went snooping in my brothers stuff and found a ring, so she thought it was for her. She stool it and when he saw she was wearing it, he almost died. But then she was reaped for the games so, it dosn't really matter anymore" he finished with his story. "i mean she never could have won anyway with that kid in her stomach"  At that second i broke down inside. i fell to my knees. Tears sprang to my eyes. Not only had i killed an innocent person, i killed an unborn child

Axen looked down at me realizing what he had said. He crouched down and touched my shoulder genitally. "GET AWAY FROM HER" Erin yelled Swiping his knife at Axen cutting his arm. Axen screamed and fell back. "GO" Erin yelled. Axen scrambled to his feet and ran away. I still couldn't speak.  Erin lifted me and the two turkey's and carried me back to our camp area. he set me down on the sleeping bag and told me to try try sleep. He kissed my cheek and started to build a small fire. After a little while woke to the smell of food being cooked. Specifically turkey. mmmmm. i thought in my head i love turkey. I crawled out of the sleeping bag and made my way over to Erin and the gang. '"morning sunshine" Erin greeted me. "it's dark out idiot" i said lightly punching him in the arm. he smiled. "here' he said with a Small giggle handing me a turkey leg. "saved a leg for you" he said. "Saved a few" Alicin said smiling and stuffing her face with meat "it's all really good' Calic said looking happier than usual. "i've never had turkey before" "it is good" i said after taking a small bite. After eating we put the rest in a bag to save it for tomorrow. "who want's to keep watch" Calic said Preparing Alicin for bed. "i'll do it" i said raising my hand. "are you sure" Erin asked worriedly. "yeah i fine" i answered. I sat with my knife ready while my friends slept. For a moment it was kind of peaceful. But only for a moment.

"Kaida" i heard someone whisper. I looked back to Erin. fast asleep. So was Calic. "Yes" i whispered. back. "" He whispered. I stood and walked to were i thought the whispers were coming from. "were" are you i whispered. "Axen?" i whispered as i saw him. "come here" he said. He walked with a limp into the forest. "wait...i can't i have to keep watch"  "just come" he said. i unwillingly followed. He led me to a trail leading up hill. Finally we were on top of a hill. Through the tree's i could perfectly see my friends sleeping away at our camp. "it's okay you can still see them" he said no longer whispering. he turned on a small lantern, The light reveled, the many cuts and bruises on his face and arms. his eye was swollen and then cut Erin gave him today looked really really bad. "wha..what happened" i asked. "Roken, kinda got mad when he found out i helped you a little today, that and Your boyfriend has temper issues" he chuckled. "He's not my boyfriend" i grumbled. i suddenly got an idea. "i'll be right back" i said running down the hill. I tiptoed to our camp and grabbed the first aid kit" i ran back happily. "what are you doing" he asked. "Shh..sit back this might sting a little" I dabbed a cloth covered in rubbing alcohol on his bloody arm. i laughed as he tried to hold back Screams. "that stings allot" he said as i took it off of his arm. 'this might hurt a little" i said giggling still. "well we both know what that means now" he said laying back preparing for pain used the small needle in the kit to sew up his cut. 

"stop moving around" i almost yelled at him. 'i can't you're stabbing me with it" he squirmed some more. "Fine i'm finished" he looked down at his arm, "you're really bad at stitching' he commented. "you're really bad at sitting still" I Mocked his tone.he smiled at me. "thanks" he said as i dabbed his bloody dirty face with water.  there was a huge cut on his lip. i dabbed it with water. "ow" he flinched away "you're such a crybaby" i said leaning in closer so i could continue dabbing his lip with water. 'am not" he said in a childish tone. "shut up" i nudged him playfully' he nudged me back a little harder. i nudged him as hard as i could almost knocking him over. He smiled evilly and shook his head. He tackled me to the ground. I couldn't move much under his weight. It didn't hurt but it was uncomfortable how close he was to me. he leaned in closer. I could feel his warm breath against my cold lips. Then suddenly he was pressing his lips into mine. Without realizing what i was doing i kissed him back. It wasn't like my kiss with Calic. And it wasn't anything like my kisses with Erin. It was sweet.  Finally after a little while he stopped. I opened my eyes. He was walking away. "you better get back to your camp" he said I stood to see the Early sun rising. I ran down the hill back to my post Just as Alicin woke up. She was usually the first up.I smiled at her. "Hey Alicin...what's u-" "save it" she said cutting me off. An evil smile crept to her face. "I know what you did last night"

*********hey what's cracking, hopefully not the spoiled eggs!  *buh..dum..tiss* sorry i promise to NEVER start with a bad joke ever again. Man that joke stank more than Those spoiled eggs. *buh..dum..tiss* really no one. Come on. wow tough crowd. Anyway i hope you liked this chapter. I'm thinking about adding a new character so le5t me know if you have any idea's in the comments and maybe i'll pick a few and make them characters. I guess we'll see. Thanks so much for reading Never stop Believing and Never give up on your dreams. (because if you give up i'll break a Spoiled egg on your head.. either that or i'll keep telling more of my jokes....just kidding i'm not THAT mean......or am i)                                                                                                                                                                                          -Writeitout32423

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