Chapter 12: Don't be a hero.

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The count down has begun. I don't remember allot from this morning. It was all kind of foggy. The Games is beginning. I can literally feel anticipation anxiety and tension in the air. I'm breathing it in and out.


This is taking FOREVER. Do they really have to count back from sixty. i mean half of us could die right now just waiting for them to finish counting. It's killing me.


Oh god it's almost time. Okay what's my strategy. What am i going to do. umm...okay run to the center before anyone. I'm the fastest so that will be possibly. then grab a bag or two and take off into the woods. After that sneak back to the cornucopia and hide. By then the careers will have taken it over like they always do. Finally find Erin and the gang and figure out our plan from there. 


It's almost time here we go be prepared. I got into a ready position as they called out the last few numbers. 


BOOM. I ran for my life and grabbed three bags from the very middle. I stopped unable to move as i saw angry, deadly faces running towards me. "RUN" someone yelled to me. i felt my feet wobble and start to move but not as fast as i could go. I felt unstable. suddenly I felt someone grab my shirt from behind. It was Erin. "come on" he said pulling me. I saw he was pulling me away from Alicin, and Calic. "what are you doing." i yelled I saw someone i didn't recognize run up to were they where standing. She sliced a large knife right into Calic's neck. He shouted out in pain. Alicin started running to me before his dead body even hit the ground. m"come on, hurry up" i yelled to her. But she wasn't fast enough. she cried as someone grabbed her. No it was two people. they held her down and slowing Slit her neck. I ran to her as blood started oozing. Her killers stood back and laughed as she died slowly. "no" i almost whispered. And Started attacking them. It was Roken and Axen. they laughed as i tried attacking them. It was no use i alone couldn't kill both of them. Where was Erin when i need him. Axen grabbed me and held me down on the grass.  Roken climbed on top of me kneeling on my arms, making sure i couldn't feel them. "you shouldn't have been a hero, now you'll suffer" he cried out laughing. He held my head and Gabbed a dagger straight into my chest, making perfect contact with my heart. Light drained from my eyes instantly. I could see, Feel, and hear nothing. It felt like i was floating. Then suddenly i felt cold lips brush against my cheek "you're my hero" they whispered. i wanted to sit up and scream but i was paralyzed. suddenly light flooded. 

"kaida, Kaida wake up" i heard the voice of an angle say. No it wasn't an angle it was Erin, which is kinda the same thing. "what" i whispered. "time to get up sleepy head, we have a big day today" he whispered. "yeah i know, i had a dream about it" i said closing my eyes again. "wanna talk about it" he said stroking my cheek. "nope" i said flipping the covers over and crawling out of the comfort of Erin's arms.  I walked into my room to get ready. "No need sweet heart, i have your outfit already, come" Cinna said from the doorway. i almost smiled at him. but i didn't.

I walked to a dressing room that i don't remember being ever being in. "here" Cinna said tossing me a tank top. It was black, pretty good fabric. I changed behind a curtain as he handed me some black denim pants. i smiled. "thanks" i muttered. he didn't respond. i walked out and showed him my new "look" "what do you think" i said tyring to lighten the mood. "like you're ready to win" he said helping me into my jacket and fixing my necklace. he sighed. i sighed back mockingly. "i believe in you Kaida. you could really win this" he said making me emotional. I wanted to cry and run away. i wanted to hide in my wood and ignore the world. But my woods was gone. far far away from here and i might never get it back. "thank you...for everything Cinna" he nodded. "tell your son i said hi" i said smiling. tyring not to cry. he hugged me, and i hugged back, squeezing tight. i had said my goodbyes to Saudria and Candria. Surprisingly we all became okay friends. And i never realized it before but Candira is really beautiful. 

"time to go" he whispered. i frowned holding back tears. 'suck it up' i told my self. Cinna led me over to a glass tube which i was instructed to stand in. "goodbye, and thanks for everything" i said "don'y say goodbye just yet kid, i'll seen you soon" i shook my head as i felt myself rise.  I looked around at the area i was now in. Sunlight shined in my face. It was a very wooded place, with tree's and bushes everywhere. It looked like some kind of jungley forest. i felt the hot humid air set in. Okay this was going to be fun. 

they started counting down, just like in the dream. I looked at each one of the 23 tributes surrounding me. Okay. i said to my self be ready. you know your plan.


Gosh could they go any slower. 


HURRY UP i mentally shouted. 


same plan as in the dream. take off sprinting and be ready for anyone, or anything. i told my self. i took position ready to run. 


Here we go. i spotted three small bags that i would go for.


come on come on......


                         to be continued............

***************************    Hi ther Gals, and non-gals (also known as boys) i hoped you liked this chapter although you probably want to mentally kill me right now. Yes i know i hate cliff hangers to but i just couldn't resist. Don't worry though next chapter will be out this week. Can't wait. Okay so thanks for reading. Bye-bye. Keep on believing in yourself and NEVER EVER EVER give up on your Dreams I love you all                                                                                                                                                                                                         -writeitout32423

P.S. there's a pic of Pixie Roster on the side!!! check it out

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