Chapter 17: saying goodbye

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"YOU DID WHAT!?!" Erin yelled at me after i told him what had happened that night he looked like he was ready to kill someone. "it just sorta happened, and besides it's not like i'm cheating on you..we're not technically in a relationship anyway" i yelled. i was sick of him getting so jealous. "That dosen't mean you can go around kissing everybody!" "HE KISSED ME, end of story it dosn't matter okay"  i said trying to calm him down a bit. " just calm down" i said again putting my hand on his shoulder. "he helped us i was just returning the favor, i didn't know he was going to kiss me but he did and there's no going back and changing that now" i said forcing him to sit down and relax. "i know" he grumbled. "Erin you of all people should know how i feel about dating, and guys, and love, and you should know that i don't care who kisses me, your kiss will always be the one i treasure most" he smiled. "i love it when you get all cheesy it makes me feel like i'm not the only one" He said chuckling and kissing me on the nose. I love him so much

"who's hungry?" i asked pulling our leftover turkey from the bag we had put it in. "what do we have" Alicin asked. "Leftovers" i said handing her a Turkey leg. We ate in silence. "we're almost out of water, who want's to go to the spring with me. " Calic asked. "i'll go" Erin said picking up a water bottle. "be careful" i said to them both as they left. "so..Alicin"  i said awkwardly trying to make conversation. "So......kaida"  She nodded awkwardly too. "you know your name means little dragon in a different language,  i'm not sure which one though" she said. "I know, my dad used to call me little dragon"  I replied. "it's a pretty cool name" she said. "thanks, i like your name too"  "thanks" we kinda just sat there in silence for a while. "kaida...who do you think will win?"  she asked suddenly out of the blue. it caught me off guard for a second. "i don't know" i replied eyeing her carefully. "how many of us are there left"  she looked at me intensely.  "ten" i answered. only a few more have died in the past day. ." you know today's our last day, as a group"  "i know" i said looking down at my feet. she did the same. "at midnight tonight we split up, go separate ways" she reminded me. "yeah, i've been trying not to think about it to much but i guess..."i trailed off. "i'll miss you" she whispered. i looked at her. she looked back at me with tears in her eyes. i pulled her in for a hug holding her closely to my chest. "shh.. it's okay..shh" i didn't know what to do. she just sat there crying in my arms. "what's wrong" I hear Erins voice say, i looked over to see him rushing to us, Calic close behind. "is she okay" Erin asked. "yeah she's just scared" i whispered so i woun't startle her with my loud voice. "you know today's her birthday" Calic said crouching down next to us. "really" i asked him looking astonished. "yep she's thirteen today" "THIRTEEN that's practically a woman" i said in a funny voice making Alicin laugh a little and loosen her grip on me. " i pulled her off just enough to look her in the face. "we're throwing you a party" i said standing up. "back in district three we had little celebration every time a girl or boy became a teenager. that and when they turned nineteen, but you're not quit there yet so let's throw you the teenager one instead" i pulled her to her feet. just as a little Parachute fell from the sky. there was a note taped to it. 

                                                           happy birthday kid                                                                                                                                            -J

"Jaculin" she was our mentor. Alicin exclaimed happily. "well open your gift" she ripped open the box to find Yards of string, in all different colors" awesome" she said. "how?" Erin asked.  Alicin looked at him weirdly. i laughed. 'oh he's a boy he dosn't understand" i smiled. "come on let's go make FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS!!" she squealed with happiness. i laughed. we made a bunch of bracelets that day. we ignored the two cannons that went off, signaling two more deaths. Eight of us left, and we're all still here making Friendship bracelets. yay! sunset came too fast. I gave Erin a bracelet, and Alicin gave Calic a few. We each wore few around our wrists. Finally it was nightfall. we stayed up though telling stories around the campfire. It was probably past midnight by now but i didn't care. We decided to depart at sunrise. I yawned just as i noticed a familiar light shining just about a hillside. "Sunrise" i whispered. My friends were asleep. I almost had been to. i had to wake them up to say goodbye, but i couldn't. i Just couldn't look Erin in the face and say goodbye i refuse to. I kissed him lightly on the cheek. I kissed calic And Alicin lightly om the foreheads, making sure no one woke up. then i packed up my things........and i left

"were are you going to go" a voice from behind be said. It startled me enough to jump out of my socks. i turned to look at a teary faced Alicin, who was looking at me like a sad puppy. "i don't know"  i whispered so the boys wouldn't wake up. "but tell them i'm sorry and goodbye...and tell Erin..." i felt warm tears form on my eyelids. "i know" she whispered. i nodded and turned  away from her. , and Calic, And Erin. my Sweet Erin. "You could stay you know' she said quickly before i got far enough away so that i couldn't hear her small sobs. i just slowly shook my head and kept walking. i didn't know were to go so i went in the direction of the hill, Axen had shown me the other night. I hid in the tree's to cry. And i did cry and cry. I stayed quiet so that no one would hear me. I must have cried for hours. finally i stood and stretched out. 'time to go' my mind told me. I missed Erin and Alicin and Calic, but it's allot better this way. this way i don't have to see one of them get hurt. I couldn't live with myself if i let that happen. As i walked through the woods i heard some ruffling in the tree's. 'just the wind' my mind told me Stupid mind. I went to were the ruffling was coming from, only to find the boy i didn't know being strangled to death by some girl i didn't know. They didn't notice me at first. i Slit a knife through the girls neck, just as she was about to kill the boy. She gabbed a knife through him before she fell down dead. A cannon went off for the girl. I looked down at the boy, lying there choking on blood. I slit his neck too. Not because i wanted him to die. But because i wanted to end his suffering. I ended the girls suffering on the inside. Truth is we're all suffering. of pain, of self hatred for killing innocent kids, for not having the strength to keep moving. We all have suffering. And i hate to say it but.....i'm almost hoping mine will end soon.  

That night i curled up in some bushes with my sleeping bag and watched the night light up with the fallen tributes. the anthom played, and the faces of the boy and girl i had killed today entered the night. I was about to close my eyes when i saw something that made tears fall uncontroiblly. District 8 Calic Foster. the sky went black. i felt my throught swell up. Calic was dead. 

********Greetings fellow wattpadians. i hope you liked this chapter, except the end......cause you know Calics like.....dead now. Don't get mad at me though.....i'm Sorry i cant have everybody win, i mean what fun would that be? Anyway i hope you liked this chapter and i hope you enjoy the rest of my Fan fiction. Never lose hope and NEVER give up on your dreams (if you give up i'll kill more people in the book...just sayin...if you want to save there lives you better not FREAKEN give up) i love you all                                                                                                                                                                                     -writeitout32423

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