Chapter 18: Maybe

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I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you

* * * *

Three Days Later

Malia's POV

I haven't spoken to Nate in three days. It's mostly my fault though, he's called at-least four times but I just couldn't answer. I couldn't shake the thought of Nate possibly being in love with me.

It was probably false but man, what if? He's always had such a lovely nature towards me that I just never thought too much about. It became even more noticeable once we moved to LA.

I thought he was just being extra protective.

All the I love yous, he meant them in a deeper way then I intended. It was mind-blowing but it all made sense. I didn't wanna ask Nate about it and he completely throw out the thought, making me feel completely stupid.

What if he didn't throw out the thought, what if he admits it?

What would I do?

Do I love Nate the way he might possibly love me?

The thought of dating Nate never really crossed my mind. Of course our parents used to tease us about how if we don't end up married with children by the time we're 30, it'll be such a tragedy but I thought nothing of it.

Would it be so bad though? Dating Nate?

I mean he does know damn near everything about me. At one point he was able to keep track of my periods, that's how close we are. I'd like to think I know everything about him as well but shit, maybe not.

My phone ringing caused me to jump, I was so deep in thought that it honestly scared me. I exhaled, pushing hair out of my face and looking at my caller ID. It was Nate, once again.

Just answer the damn phone, Malia.

I took a deep breath before answering, "Hey!" I answered with fake enthusiasm.

"Finally! I've been calling you for three days. Is everything alright?" He sounded concerned.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine," I stuttered, putting my hand in my back pocket once I stood up from my bed, "I just been busy with uh, with work!" I lied, I was bad at this.

"Alright, just tell me. Were you with Quincy? Is that why you couldn't answer me? I won't be mad, just tell me the truth." He sighed, he knew I was lying.

I furrowed my eyebrows, oh my god this makes so much sense. Now I understand why he gets so upset when I talk about other guys. He's fucking jealous.

I put my hand on my forehead, "Oh my god." I whispered to myself, moving the speaker away from my mouth.

"Malia? Hello?"

I cleared my throat, "You uh, you caught me!" I faked a laugh, "I've been hanging out with Quincy the last three days and I uh, yeah." I quavered, lies just spewing from out of my mouth.

"You could've at least called me when you got home." He sounded irritated, "Unless you never went home and stayed with him." He said with disgust.

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