Chapter 17: What If?

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Sometimes the heart can see what's invisible to the eye
All you gotta do is
Listen to your deepest feelings they don't ever lie

* * * *

Malia's POV

"Hey Swazz," I sighed into the phone, "what's up?"

"How you holding up?" Swazz asked.

I nodded, "I'm good. How's tour? It's been like three weeks right?"

"Yup, it doesn't feel that long though honestly. It's great though, a lot of fun. You'd love it."

"I bet." I began traipsing around the living room, not knowing what else to say.

"Look, I think you know why I'm callin'" He exhaled, "Nate told me about the girl answerin' the phone last night. We just had a few girl fans on the bus, y'know to party and fuck around." He explained.

I raised my eyebrow, "Why are you telling me this again?"

"Because Nate thinks you're pissed off at him."

I laughed, "Why would I be mad at him? He's a grown man and he's very much single. I'm not his mother nor his girlfriend. He can fuck around with whoever he wants."

"How don't you get it?" He sarcastically laughed, "You do know much Nate cares about you right? Like do you really understand? The kid would die for you, do you understand me?"

"I understand and I care about him just as much." I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to figure out his point.

"Malia, he-" he sighed loudly, frustration in his tone, "He fucking loves you."

"I love him too." I said in a vague tone.

"No, he loves you. Li-huh?" He was talking to someone else, "It's Malia....I'm telling her what you won't....Bro you gott-...Yo what the hell!"

"Uh, hello?" I singsonged, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Malia?" It was Nate, "What did he tell you?"

"I didn't tell her anything yet!" I heard Swazz shout in the background, he sounded like he was struggling.

"He just told me you loved me." I shrugged, "I already knew that."

"What else?" He catechized.

"He said you really care about me and you'd die for me," I answered in a monotone voice, "I knew that as well."

"Is that it?" He asked.

"Nate why are you interrogating me?" I raised my voice slightly, "What did you do that you don't want him to tell me? Is it something bad? Just fucking tell me, you know I hate secrets."

"I didn't do anything." He cleared his throat, "I just, I uh-"

"You just uh what?" I mocked him.

"It's nothing, don't even worry about it. It's nothing bad."

"Nathan Maloley, I swear to G-" I began to threaten.

"I promise. If anything, it's something I wanna tell you face to face." He accentuated, "Not Swazz, not anyone but me." He stated sternly.

"Okay this sounds way too serious. What happened?" I began to worry.

Nate chuckled, "Don't worry ma. Just tell me, are you upset about last night? Be honest."

Don't ≫ N.MHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin