Chapter 14: Grindin'

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Cause we're grown, baby, you know it
Want it but you just won't show it
Eyes glued to me like you're slow motion
Got you hooked on my potion, baby

* * * *
Two Weeks Later

Malia's POV

"So how've you been holding up?" Janelle asked, taking a bite from her sandwich.

I shrugged, "The first week was the hardest, especially the first few days. He didn't call for three days because he was so busy." I stuck my fork into my salad, playing with it as I spoke.

"I wish you would've called me. You know I'm always available if you need someone to hang out with." She offered.

I smiled softly, "Thanks 'nelle, I think this would've been a lot harder without you and Adam."

"Adam loves being there to cater to you." She laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"Girl," she tilted her head to the side, "Adams had the biggest crush on you since you started working. He was just dating Bella at the time so he couldn't, or wouldn't, do anything about it." She explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I guess I've just been too wrapped up in my own drama to even notice it."

"But hey, you're single, he's single. Give it a try?" She suggested with a slight shrug.

I laughed, "Nah, I'm not about mixing business with pleasure. He's my coworker, I don't wanna do that."

She sucked her teeth at me, "Well then, let's go out tonight? Get drunk, meet some cute guys, maybe have a one night stand!" She exclaimed.

"Lower your voice." I glanced around at the other people in the restaurant looking at the both of us.

She waved them off, "Oh who cares?" She flicked them off, "So what do you say?"

"I'm down for the getting drunk and meeting guys, but I don't know 'bout the whole one night stand thing." I awkwardly laughed.

She sat up straight, "Maybe you'll change your mind later, we gotta go pick out our clothes and makeup!" She squealed, "Waiter can we please have the check!"

* * * *

"Hello?" I answered, walking out of my room into the hallway so I could hear.

Janelle was blasting music and rummaging through my closet to find something "club worthy".

"Hey babygirl," Nate's voice came through the speaker, instantly putting a smile on my face.

"Nate! Whats up, how are you? How's tour?"

"I'm great and It's dope, I wish you could be here to experience this with me."

I faintly pouted, "Hey, don't make me sad."

He chuckled, "My bad, my bad. So how've you been?"

"I'm getting better at this, y'know not having my favorite person around is kinda hard. But, Janelle and Adam have been helping me a lot."

"That's good," I could tell he was smiling.

"Yeah, Janelle's making me go to this club tonight. She wants me to get drunk, meet guys and have a one night stand apparently."

"Woah, a one night stand?" He sounded shocked, "Y-You're not going to are you?"

I laughed, "Of course not, Nate. You know that's not my scene."

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