Chapter 5: Fighter

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If you were mine you would not get the same
If you were mine you would top everything

* * * *

"Nate," Malia cried through the phone, "Nate I need you!"

As soon as Nate heard those words he raced out of his house with John and Sam right behind him and sped off to the club. What was usually a twenty minute drive away, he got there in ten.

"Malia!" Nate shouted as he ran inside, his head whipping from all different directions as he searched for her.

Malia stood up from her crouching position behind the counter, tears pouring down her face, her breathing heavy and she shook immensely.

Nate ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her immediately. She wept and cried, laying her face against his chest.

"What happened?" Nate muttered, placing his hand behind her head.

Malia sniffled, "T-Travis came here and h-h"

"Wait what!? Travis was here?" Nate pulled back slightly, arms length away.

Malia nodded, "Yeah, h-"

"Did he touch you?! I'll kill him I swe-"

"Nate shut up and let me finish!" Malia exclaimed, "fuck." She breathed in frustration.

Nate sighed and nodded, rubbing her shoulders, "I-I'm sorry. Go ahead, what happened?"

"We got into yet another argument. Shocker right?" She rhetorically asked sarcastically, "Anyway, he told me the reason why he's so distance is because I'm a lousy, insecure girlfriend. Then he dumped me." Her voice quavered.

Nates eyebrows rose and he looked over at Sam and Swazz who looked just as shocked.

"That's not true you know." Sam spoke first.

"You're not a lousy, insecure girlfriend." Swazz added.

Nate nodded in agreement, "He was lucky to ever call you his. That's his lost, not yours." His thumb caressed her damp cheek softly.

Malia shook her head and pulled away from Nate, "What if I was the problem? What if my nagging and all the arguments were the cause of this? Maybe I am a lousy girlfriend?" Her voice quavered again while she tugged on the roots of her hair.

Nate grabbed her waist and pulled her back, "No, Malia, that's not true. All those arguments were his fault and happened because of his actions. Don't blame yourself for his mistakes and his issues."

Malia rubbed her eyes and let out a deep exhale, "I don't know what to do now. I can't believe we're actually over.." She trailed off, "and can you believe he dumped me!?" She exclaimed, causing the guys to chuckle softly.

"Hey, at least now you don't have to worry about him cheating or arguing with you anymore." Sam shrugged.

Malia furrowed her eyebrows, "How'd you know about him cheating? I never told anyone except.." She looked over at Nate, "you told him?" She whispered kind of loudly.

Nate bit his bottom lip, "I'm sorry, it just slipped." He lied.

Malia rolled her eyes and shrugged, "Whatever, that's the least of my problems. He said he was gonna come by tonight to get his stuff."

"Want us to come over so you aren't there alone with him?" Swazz asked, leaning on the counter.

Malia nodded, "Yeah please?" She raised her eyebrows slightly, "Last thing I need is another argument." She ran her hand through her hair.

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