Chapter 8: Jealousy

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  ​'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful

​And everybody wants a taste

That's why 

​I still get jealous  

A few weeks later

It's been weeks since Malia has seen or heard from Travis. Reality had just started kicking in, finally realizing that they're no longer an item. They aren't together anymore. She didn't know how to handle it; the peace and quiet. It was almost a foreign feeling to her. 

She was always up waiting for Travis to call or text back, she was always up waiting for Travis to finally come home late just to start an argument. Malia didn't have to deal with it anymore. Although she was thankful for that, she just didn't know what to do now. 

She didn't wanna keep bothering Nate, beginning to feel as if he was getting sick of her. What she didn't know is that Nate loved that she wanted to be around him. Now that Travis was out of the way, he felt as if he finally had his Malia back. 

Unfortunately, he knew her heart still belonged to Travis.

He knew she wasn't ready to move on yet, it was too early. Malia was never the type of girl to just dust herself off immediately after a relationship and hop into another one. She needed time to let it finally kick in, to cry about it, to mope around about it then to finally realize this is what's best. 

Nate was willing to wait for her though, which shocked the hell out of him and his friends. Nate hadn't had a serious relationship since 2014, he took the breakup hard and promised himself to focus solely on his music career. Malia is the only woman he'd break that promise for.

It amazed him how much he really cared for Malia. He loved everything about her. From her dyed curly hair, her beautiful caramel sun-kissed skin, every beautiful curve on her body, her breathtaking smile, how she can dress up or dress down, how laid back and cool she is and most importantly, how much she supports him.

She's always been his number 1 fan. And he's always been hers.

He knows how much her breakup is gonna hurt her but knowing her she wouldn't let it show. Malia never liked feeling weak and she hated sympathy. She was stubborn but that's just another thing Nate loved about her.

Nate was determined to show her she wasn't alone.


Malia's POV

I was laying down in bed, music playing softly in the background as i stared up at my plain white ceiling. My mind was racing and as much as I tried to push the thought of Travis out of my mind, I just couldn't.

I loved him, we had been together for so long. It still breaks my heart to know that we're actually over. This wasn't an "argument gone bad and he'd be back in a few hours" type of situation. 

Travis and I we're no longer an "us".

It hurt but it also felt good, which made me feel guilty. If I loved him so much, why was I feeling lowkey happy? Like a weight was finally off my shoulders.

"It's because he was absolute asshole who didn't deserve you in the first place." My subconscious answered for me.

 Travis wasn't always an asshole though, I don't know what made him that way but it happened. I can't reverse it, I can't rewind back time and stop it, I just have to deal with it. 

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