Chapter 16- Koro's Wedding

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Krystal POV

I stand in my bridal gown, my mother and my grandmother carefully arranging my veil, and doing the finishes touches to my hair.

Aer, one of my bridesmaid, comes in with Jennifer and Violet. "We have a present." Rosa and Reina pop their heads in and giggle.

"Come in!!" I say, through my laughter.

"We brought you coffee, Cuban of course, and some cocktails for the ladies of the family." They share out the cocktails, but I feel my nerves calm as I drink the coffee.

"cόctel?" Reina says to my grandmother, who smiles and takes the drink.

But Aer always knew- coffee then we'll talk.

"Are you nervous?" Reina says, pinning a beautiful flower to my hair.

"No." I laugh, "- I love him, I love the group and he's going to be mine for the rest of his life."

Violet laughs, "Someone finally whips him."

"It just happened to be me." I say with a wink.

"Are you going to be okay? The ceremony?" Jennifer asks.

"It's been done in half English, half Spanish for my family." she says in a blush.

"20 minutes, and you'll be a married woman." Rosa says, jumping up and down.

"Part of the family."


"She already is." Violet says and pulls me in for a bear hug, "We love you, you love beautiful."

About 16 minutes and 23 seconds later I am standing, not that I was counting, with Baba at my side to walk me down the aisle. He smiles, and I could see him wipe a tear before beginning to take my hand.

He places it on my arm and turns to me, "The only person who's ever looked more beautiful was Rosa. But you aren't far behind."

I smile at him, and eye roll him, "Of course."

"What can I say? Beautiful lady... I know you'll make him happy."

The sudden music comes on and I shakily put one food in front of another. I wasn't nervous as I met his eyes, his white tux or his golden blonde hair.

"You ready?" he whispers.


I was in tears, along with all my family as the ceremony goes on until it got to the end. Before we put on the rings, Ota stops everything.

"I have some things to say to my...wife in 2 minutes, and to all her family."

Everyone looks up and smiles at him, and as his face turns back to me I've never seen something full of love as those eyes.

"I don't ever... I show you, but I never tell you. I think..I think I need to say the words for you to truly hear them Krystal."

"Okay, Ota." I rely back, and sweep his hair away from his face.

"You were never just my Koro, you were never just a... girlfriend. You were my everything from the moment I laid eyes on you and I knew you would keep a piece of me until the day you died. You were my sun and my moon, fire to my gasoline and there is nothing else in the world I care about more than you."

He takes a deep breath, as if composing himself, "I never thought anyone would be different...I never thought you could change me so much. Could make me love them.. like you did. I... missed you so badly when you left. I knew I couldn't be the same, I knew you left a part of myself with, now you're back there's nothing better than waking up to the smell of Cuban coffee, the dark hair of your locks on my face- even if they are itchy.-"

"-I realise, I don't confess my love in open ways, I never wake up with a paragraph or roses. But, express it in my art. You're my inspiration, not my muse Krystal. You steal the spotlight, you win the lottery and your smile lightens my mood. I cannot see myself standing here for anyone else, but I promise. I promise that we will have the best life Krystal...-"

"-because I love you."

As if remembering something he turns around and says in front of my family and takes my cheek, "te amo, mi amor."

"Ota..." my tears flood my face and he wipes every one. "I love you."

"I know, my beautiful wife..." he whispers and kisses me.

We exchange rings, smile at one another, and then, "You may kiss the bride. Puede besar a la novia."

Ota kisses me and I am swept off my feet as he spins me around. As he places me around the smile on his face is so wide, he and I dance down the aisle.

We were going to be together... forever.

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