Chapter 13- Another Artist

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Krystal POV

I put away the pregnancy test, my hands shaking and my body kneeling over, to point I could no longer feel my lungs breathing in.

"I'm so sorry, little one." I whisper, even though there was technically nothing to hear me. But that would change.

Ota had been using protection, and I had trusted that it would work against even his most passionate and extensive attacks on my body.

It was not in fact true, it had either split or not been effective one night.

"Shit shit shit." I whisper, wanting to bang my head against the wall. After we argue, after he practically tells me it's done between us.

I twist my ring and break down, the tears running down my cheeks. "Ota.." I whisper my chest hurting to the point I rub it.


I just wanted to go to his funeral, Ota. I have a right to go to his funeral.

"Krystal?" his voice comes from outside the door.

I couldn't find the inner strength to argue with him, to find the correct way to explain why I needed to say goodbye.

"Krystal, we need to talk." he says and I sigh. "Krystal we can't sort this out if you don't face this."

"I'm going to his funeral Ota."

I could feel the wave of anger he emits from the door, and I sigh. "I need to."

"I'm your fiancé."

"- I know that-"

"- clearly you have no idea." he growls. "I'm trying to make this relationship work, I'm trying to make you happy and I'm getting a whole lot of nothing!"

"That's not true!-"

"-Sure go to your ex then, who killed Inui." he scowls.

I throw open the door and he steps back, "It has nothing to do with that!"

"Oh really?" he says sarcastically.

"No! I just don't want him to leave this earth without anyone." I argue and he seems to recoil.

"-He is a cold blooded murder-"

"He was lovely to-" Ota picks up his notepad and throws it against the wall.

"Go to him then! Leave me! I'm so fed up with this!" he shouts, his face reddening and his eyes hazel orbs of coldness.

"Ota-" I panic and go to him, but he pulls back.

"Don't touch me."

I recoil my hand back and the tears begin to fall, "I love you."

He laughs bitterly, "Oh screw it. You don't, face it- you don't."

"Ota-" and he interrupts.

"-Let me finish. You don't love me, because I don't look at any other woman and believe there would anything better with them." he growls.

" Ota I want to be with you." I say desperately.

"Then don't go."

I can't...

"I'll take that as a no?" he says, lowering his voice.


He sighs, running his fingers through his hair. "I'll go to the other house you can have here-"

Oh my god...he's really leaving me.

It's really over...

"Ota!" I scream and fling myself into him. He catches me, and strokes my hair as I feel my heart shatter. "Please... I don't want this."

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