Chapter 14-Interrogation

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Soryu POV

I enter the room, Mamoru hot on my tail as we stare down at Mr Rome who had his head down, not moving.

"We're going to keep this real simple." the cop says, taking a seat whilst I stand. Our strategy? A classic good cop bad...mafia?

"We're going to ask you a few questions." Mamoru begins, taking out our first piece of evidence. An image of the two bombers.

"You were involved in the near-destruction of the Tres Spades Hotel." Mamoru says calmly. Mr Rome doesn't even look at the picture.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

My turn, asshole.

I slam down on the desk and Mr Rome jumps out of his skin. I pull out his phone record, "We have records coming from your cell phone that indicates you were in relation with the two bombers at the time of the incidence."

"That proves nothing." he says, his head still looking down.

"It doesn't?" I growl and Mamoru seems to hold me back slightly. "See, I'm not a cop, I'm mafia and if it was up to me you'd be at the bottom of a swamp right now."

"Really?" Mr Rome seems to smirk, and I want to punch him in his perfect teeth.

"Two children, Daichi Ichinomiya and Nakiro- May Oh, and one adult, Rosa Mitsunari were found in the custody of one of the chained factories you have in possession. Including 30 witnesses of 'guards' willing to give us more than enough to convince you of kidnap and of murder." Mamoru snaps, clearly having lost his patience.

"You think you have me don't you?" he says, raising an eyebrow.

"I've been a cop, long enough to know that we've got enough evidence to keep you down for life." Mamoru hisses and Mr Rome seems to recoil.

"I want a lawyer."

"You'll get your rights after we ask you a few more questions." I say, glaring at the man so that he worms around in his seat.

"You seriously think this good cop-bad cop routine will work?" neither Mamoru, nor I react and he laughs. "Full of bullshit when really the one who isn't mafia is a murder."

"What are you talking about?" Mamoru says peering down at the small man, his eyes set like hollow tunnels.

"You're a MURDER!" Mr Rome growls and lurches up, so I pull my boy back. I take Mamoru out of the room, and watch his eyes search the ground as if he was trying to place this event in his head.

"Any idea what he's talking about?" I ask and Mamoru shakes his head.

"I thought I'd be the reason." I say and Mamoru nods as if he too had come to the same conclusion. "Our plan isn't going to work here, so, act like a complete ass and let me ask the most important questions. He'll be so angry and distracted he won't realise what he's admitting too."

Mamoru nods, "Reina's got you hooked, my brother."

"Alright kid, let's get back in there and kid some ass. "

As we step back insider, Mr Rome seems to be seething, and I couldn't help but think of the cartoons Nakiro May watches of the characters anger going through until they explode.

"Who did he kill?" I ask, leaning against the post, trying to appear less of the main attraction. It worked.

"My father."

"So what?" Mamoru says, puffing at his vapour-fake cigarette. "I didn't kill anyone because they didn't deserve it."

"He was INNOCENT! You RUINED my life!!" Mr Rome screams and his perfect hair falls unevenly, making him look psychotic

"If he was innocent he'd be alive." Mamoru says, and I give him a look.

Step it up a notch, cop.

"Why should I care about your life, Rome?" he says and Mr Rome seems to begin boiling, fully cooking. "Daddy issues, really?"

"So you started this for revenge?"

"-Yes, my dad was a great man and you killed him!-"

"-As if that matters to me-" Mamoru scoffs.

"-You the children and Rosa, the bomb plot it was all to get back at him?-" I ask quickly. If he admitted this we were done, it was over.


Bingo, thank you Mr Asshole.

"He killed my father, so I killed your partner!" he screams and I launch myself at Mamoru. Mamoru fights in my arms, and I unlocked his gun so it falls to the floor. Mamoru struggled like a fighter, kicking at me so get to the bastard who killed his best friend.

"You asshole!" Mamoru screams and I lose my footing for a short moment for him to punch him square jaw in the face by reaching around me.

"Out we go." I mutter and shove Mamoru outside long enough to padlock the door, shifting the steal bolt in place.

Mr Rome, with a trickle of blood falling from his eye, was laughing. He was actually laughing. "What's funny?"

"He finally knows who did it." he laughs harder. "-he finally finds out who ruined his life and he can't do anything about it. Karma came back to him."

"How's that?"

"My father was innocent, the illegal dealings of cocaine innocent to him his first meeting was something he didn't know about. His partner in business said he had a 'development for him' but it turned out the police had found the criminals through a tip off."

"Your father got killed because he was there."

"He didn't put his hands up, as he was scared or shell shocked or-" Mr Rome trails off. "Mamoru Kishi shot him and he died. I was put into care, as I was too young to inherit the business or the fortune."

"You got revenge." Soryu says and Mr Rome looks up. "You got revenge, why start again?"

"He took Sophia." Mr Rome growls lowly, "- He took my father and to take Sophia.. I had wanted her for so long. So long and she had been mine."

I recoil at him, he was a psychopath; something was definitely wrong with him. "Sophia didn't belong to you." he eyes meet mine.

"She was mine. She saw me every morning with a smile, I had so many women after me, but I only wanted her. I was so close. But he took her from me."


This guys was nuts.

"We're done here, Mr Rome. Thank you for the admission." As I walk out, I realise I had forgotten something.


My hand goes across his face and break his jaw. "That's for my daughter, my friend's wife and my friend's son."

"You'll get in trouble for that." he says, his mouth filling up with blood.

"Worth it." I growl and just for good measure kick him in the stomach making his chair fall backward. I don't pick him up, I leave him on the floor- where he belongs.

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