Chapter 15 - Court Cases

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Reina POV

"He had been a kid...just a..a kid."

"He was just beginning his life, just as we were, when he died."

"I.. we all loved him.." plot my eyes, and sniffle as I stand on the podium, the jury listening closely to my account. "Daniel killed him! He ended his life on THAT MANS ORDERS!" I scream and point my shaking hands to Mr Rome.

"My little girl.. he took an innocent girl to further himself." I say, my voice catching. "My innocent friend's son, and my friend Rosa to further himself. She suffered terrible abuse to spare our children. I dare you to find this evil man innocent." I say shaking my head.

"Imagine your own children, for weeks being trapped in a wet, dark and cold warehouse. Give me justice, give this MAN a punishment he deserves. He is evil!"

"Do you think he should be in society? Our civilised society?" the lawyer asks me.

"Of course not!" I say strongly. "You cannot allow this man to walk free! It'll be on your heads if this happens again!" I say and stare at each of the jury in the eye.

I shakily go back to the witness box, holding my Nakiro May, Eisuke wrapping an arm around me. Soryu has most likely text me, but I couldn't bring myself to check.

The jury is adjourned, and we wait. Eisuke rubs both Violet and I's arms; I feel better with him here, his strength gives me hope.

"We'll get him..." Eisuke whispers. "Either he goes to jail or Samejima goes to jail for his murder. Either way.."

"I can't lose them both." I say, blotting my eyes again.

"You won't.."

The jury comes back in only an hour later and I sit up quickly, "That was quick...!"

"Too quick." Violet says and narrows her eyes.

"The jury from a ratio of 13:0, have decided to find Mr D Rome guilty on three accounts of kidnapping, intention to harm and assault. We find him guilty of second degree murder of Inui Riyosuke."

The judge on this case nods his head, as if in agreement, "I have made my ruling, Mr D Rome stand with your defence. Do you have any further comments?-" Standing next to his fancy, expensive lawyers Mr Rome nods.

He turns to Eisuke, "I was responsible for everything. Your pain, your suffering. I was the puppet master for it all. You think you're the Boss, but your whole life has been planned before you. Believe played it perfectly. Except her." he says pointing Violet.

"You almost lost the only independent thought you've ever had. Your father would be proud." Mr Rome says, smirks and then turns back to the judge, leaving a very pale Eisuke behind him.

"I sentence you to life imprisonment, without the possibility of parole." he says and I sag, my whole body relaxing.

Mr D Rome is taken from the room, his not so perfect hair now flopping about as he struggles. "I'll be back...! I'll be-" he is shut up by the sound of the door closing behind him.

We would never see him again.

"It's over." Eisuke says, and catches the tears that I hadn't realised were there. He holds me, and I cry into him, my heart breaking for my friend.


"He was so young.."

"I know." he says softly, and strokes my hair. My big brother helps me out of the court and into the parking lot where my husband stands with open arms.

As I go to him the media captures our moments of grief, but I would not hide them. Our Inui was gone, but he would not be kept in the shadows, his soul will be shown to light.

Rest in peace, our beloved Puppy.

Thank you for saving my little girl...

Mamoru POV

My girl looked amazing. Drop dead absolutely stunning in a black lace gown, that shows her figure in a way that makes me what to keep her in my suite.

"What a pretty lady." Baba smiles and kisses Rosa's cheek.

"She's also mine." I argue and everyone puts up their hands in defence.

"Mamoru..." she whines, blushing brightly.

"Come kiddo, we have a date."

"Are you guys doing to be okay?" my girl asks Krystal, who is 9 days away from getting married to her Maste- I mean Ota.

"We'll be fine." she says and Ota strokes her hair.

"I won't bite her...much." he whispers, and Krystal bites her lips.

As we leave through the crowded doors I knew I was being selfish, I was leaving the rest of the group in charge of the impacts of Rome's court case.

Neither I nor Soryu weren't allowed into court being the investigators, but Reina was to give the account.

She would want to be alone with her man after that.

Daniel's funeral had taken place, and Krystal hadn't gone, and the news of her pregnancy had caused everyone to momentarily forget the sadness we all felt.

"Do you want to stay?" Sophia asks, looking at me with those sharp eyes of hers.

"No, you've told them all the information we've done our best to convict him and it's date night. I'm taking you somewhere nice, you lil' perv be happy about it."

She blushes, "Okay okay."

Eisuke Ichinomiya's event nights had been running and tonight was 'Dance Fiesta', which at first Sophia had been interested in; now she was nervous.

"Mamoru, I really can't dance." she says and I smile.

"We have all night to teach you. Then, when you've learnt we can teach me." I say in a laugh and she smiles.

"Damn it." she whispers, and takes my hand.

"I love you." I say and she blushes as it was so public.

"Oo.. the old man adores her!" Ota says with his tongue out.

"You're getting hitched, Ota. No more women for you, ever." I shoot back.

"I don't care." he says and scowls are me, "She's all I need."

"Sophia is my girl." I say in return and kiss her. "I plan on her having my last name too."

Sophia's eyes widen and I take that moment to enter the elevator.

"Mamoru!" the door closes on us and I kiss her, softly, moving our bodies against one another and she soon relents.

"Hmmm..." she says in a moan and I chuckle.

"Good girl," I whisper in her ear. "Let's hurry up and dance so I can take you home."

"Yes." she says breathlessly.

We dance until our feet hurt, our voices were rasp from laughing, and our smiles hurt our faces. I loved her, I was going to marry her and we would be together for the long run.

(Mamoru to Audience): I did far more than dancing with her that night, and I won't be letting on any details to you little perv's. I suppose you want a happy ending now? Tsk, give me a break. I suppose you want some more us bidders? hmm? Kids.. Give me some time we'll see.

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