Chapter 11 - Nakiro- May

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I'm so sorry...

Mamoru POV

Guns, guns and more guns.


Soryu knocked out another as the circle at in the second room to the left of the entry. "Nice." I kick and fire my pistol as I cover his back and he covers mine.

Who would have guessed we worked well together?

Ota, Baba and Eisuke work as a three, Baba clearing the way as Eisuke and Ota kick and scratch their way through the men who dare to attack them.

We take the left corridor, 5 doors down to the right we see several men coming through ready to attack with knives and guns.

But we were just getting started.

A Soryu blur switches on me firing down the line as I curse and shoot the man who raises his gun to his back.

The man seemed to think he was invisible! Or that he'd hired me as some sort of body defence. His head strong need to get to his little girl fuelled the anger in each one of us, and we fell into an easy formation of murder.

As we get to the door we hear a silence, and I soon determine that the room itself was sound proof and therefore oblivious to the battle that was occurring outside.

As we open the door with a whisper of creak, Baba is the first at the crack.

"You will expose the world to the auctions managers evil ways!" the man we saw before screams at Rosa and she whimpers, scuttling away against the children.

"No.." she says and he scowls.

"The world will see 'Mitsunari Baba hits girlfriend as police officer Mamoru Kishi covers up kids deaths' and you'll help me!" he says and then a sadistic smirk falls in her face

Unknown to him, Baba had entered the room and my heart goes out to Rosa, who's eyes are squeezed shut, "In fact, let's start now." and he raises his hand again.

"No one touches my woman, she's a pretty lady after all." Baba growls and as the man turns around Baba punches him to the ground.

Rosa seems to jump at the sound of Baba's voice and looks over at us. She raises her hands and shows the binds.

As Inui and Samejima go to untie the children and Rosa, we take on the 10 males entering through closet size rooms.

Easily over powering one, I notice as Baba seems to have only used his fists clearly wanting the satisfaction. As I am cut with a knife I hear Soryu's harsh whistle that brings me to attention.

As I watch Inui and Samejima take the children and Rosa, who seems hesitant watches as Baba finishes his job and cuffs the guy, "Baba!" she says with a parched throat.

Baba runs to her, lifting her in a princess carry as we finish off the fight. Taking everything we can as evidence to Rome we look around just in case.

Leaving through a side entrance we notice the girls in their positions, as Daichi and Rosa are placed in the back with Krystal she begins medical on Daichi.

As Inui lets Nakiro- May go she runs to her father; but she never made it. Through the brushes surrounding the back entrance comes one man, Krystal's Daniel comes from the cover and aims his gun.

"NO!" Violet screamed as the bullet flew across the air.

The little girl would die-

The mafia princess, that was so precious to all she met was going to die-

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