13. Hospital

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I woke up this morning and my face was pounding. I tried rolling onto my other side and going back to sleep, but the pain kept me up. I got out of bed and my head started spinning. I had to lean on the wall until it stopped, then I stumbled into the bathroom. I put some cold water on a washer and put it on my cheek. It helped a little, but it still felt hot and throbbing. I looked at it in the mirror. It's badly bruised and swollen to the size of a tennis ball. I could barely see out of my eye. George sure has an arm on him. I went and got back into bed and put the cool cloth on my face.

I drift in and out of sleep. I feel awful. I hear Hermione stirring and want to talk to her, but when I try to speak all that comes out is a long groan. Hermione leans over me and peels the cloth off.

"That looks bad," she says, "you should go back to the hospital."

I shake my head and groan again. That hurt! Hermione purses her lips.

"Come on," she says, pulling back the covers. I immediately start to shiver violently. She helps me sit up and put on my dressing gown. Parvati is awake too and Lavendar stirring.

"I'm going to get dress," Hermione says, "wait there."

Like I'd be going anywhere. Parvati goes to get dressed too. Lavendar has fallen asleep again and is snoring. I'm swaying on the spot. At least, it feels like I'm swaying. Hermione and Parvati return and help me to my feet. We manage to get down to the common room, but then I have to sit down. I feel way too sick to be doing this. I slump in one of the arm chairs and close my eyes.

"Lee!" I hear Hermione exclaim. I wonder who Lee is. I think I know. Do I? I feel someone put one arm under my knees and the other on my back and shift me into their arms. My head lolls onto their shoulder and even though it hurts, I can't find the strength to move it. I hear the portrait hole creak open and feel who ever is carrying me step up and then down. I can hear someone hurrying along beside us. We go down stairs. So many stairs. Then more doors open and it's bright. I scrunch my eyes closed. I'm laid down on something soft.

"Thanks," Hermione says.

"Any time," a cheerful, vaguely familiar voice replies.

Then everything is silent. I open my eyes. I'm in the hospital wing again. I hear two sets of feet coming towards me. Out of my good eye I see Madame Pomfrey. She leans over me and prods my cheek with her wand. I groan. It hurts!

"It's worse than I thought," she sighs. She disappears and returns a moment later with a glass full of pretty looking purple liquid.

"Granger, is it?" she asks, "help me get her to sit up."

I feel two arms on my back, pushing me into a sitting position.

"This is going to knock you out for a bit," Madame Pomfrey says, holding up the pretty, shimmering potion, "you'll feel better after, okay?"


She raises it to my lips and I drink eagerly. After my second mouthful I begin to taste it. It's dry and hot. I try to pull away, but Madame Pomfrey makes me finish it. As soon as I swallow the last drop my head spins.

"Lay her back."

I hear voices, but they're all fading...


"Autumn? Autumn, wake up."

I blink a few times and look around me. I'm in a half-sitting position in a hospital bed. Madam Pomfrey is holding my wrist and looking at her watch.

"You'll feel drowzy for a while," she says, "just sleep it off."

She walks away and I fall asleep again.


The next time I wake things are a little clearer.


I wake and it's night time. Things are still foggy, but better.


The third time I wake I feel miles better. It's day time, but still morning. About ten o'clock. I reach up gingerly and touch my face. It feels warm, but not as swollen and not burning. Madame Pomfrey sees me looking around and comes over.

"Well, look at you, bright as a button," she says. I give her a small smile. She checks my temperature.

"Better, much better," she says, "good. Now, it's Monday today, so I'm going to keep you in here until tomorrow, then if I think you're well enough, you can go back to your dormitory, but no classes until next week, understand?"

I nod. She smiles.

"I'll get you some breakfast and then you can have visitors," she says.

Since it's Monday, I con't get any visitors until lunch time. Hermione brings her lunch up and we eat together.

"George feels awful," she tells me, "he was going to come and see you, but he's in detention."

"What about Draco?" I ask, shyly. Hermione frowns.

"I don't know," she says snappishly. I drop the subject and as her about the classes. She's brought me all my class and homework.

"I'll bring you the rest after dinner," she says.

After she's gone, I'm greatful for the work. It distracts me from my sore cheek and gives me something to do other than sleep. When she comes back before dinner I've caught up on the classwork and made progress on the homework. She sits with me and we do home work until just before curfew.

"Sleep well," she says, gathering her things.

"Thanks for visiting," I tell her.

"No problem," she says, "see you tomorrow."

After she's gone I try to continue with my work, but I'm distracted by the fact that no one else has come to visit me. I thought Draco would. Or George to apologise. Or Fred.

I wonder why they didn't visit. Maybe they didn't want to. Do I mean so little to them? I want to cry, but it hurts when I do. I think I'll try to get some sleep. I'm probably just emotional because I've been stuck in bed all day. Tomorrow will be better. Won't it?

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