Chapter Four

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I woke slowly, instantly noticed that I was in a car, a quick sniff told me that Sage was with me. I sat up, and looked around but didn't recognize anything that we passed. "Sage, where's my mother?" I seen Sage stiffen but otherwise he ignored me. "Where are we going? Where's my father?" I demanded.

Sage sighed slightly, "your fathers back at the castle taking care of- things and we're heading to the Black Moon pack. Alpha Angus is a long time friend to your father and loyal to the totals so we're going to lay low there. I have to let you know that no one besides the Alpha, Luna and Beta know who you are. Everyone else is left in the dark, due to your fathers request."

I climb into the front seat, taking everything that had happend in. I had hoped it was all a dream. Tears instantly clouded my vision as I thought about my mother. "You didn't save her." I accused. I watch d Sage's hands tighten on the wheel until his knuckles were white.

"I didn't have a choice Haz. The rouges came for you, and I was ordered by your mother to take you away- no matter what." He whispered the last part and I could hear his own sadness. "Your father was in a rage but he knew he had to protect you, so we're to stay at the Black Moon pack until he has this settled. No one will know who we are and that is how it needs to stay." Sage said.

I sat back in the seat and cried silently, I couldn't believe that the most important day of my life had became such a nightmare. I didn't find my mate, I didn't take over as I was supposed to, and the worst of all, I lost my mother. I gripped my now ruined dress and hiccuped. I felt Sage's hand cover mine and the sobs broke free.

"I'm sorry Haz. I'm so sorry." He whispered. "I'd do anything to take your pain."

I shook my head, "I deserve this pain. It was my fault! She died protecting me, while I just stood there!" I nearly shouted. "I could have helped her!" I wasn't aware that Sage had pulled over until I was suddenly surrounded by his big arms.

"It wasn't your fault Hazel, none of this was!" He said forcefully. "There were too many, and your mother wouldn't want you blaming yourself and you know it. Please stop crying." He begged at the end holding me tightly as I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up to someone shaking me lightly, calling my name. When I opened my eyes I seen Sage looking at me with worry. I looked around slowly, "we here?"

Sage sighed beside me, "we are. Come on." Sage got out of the car and I followed suit. Instantly my scenses took in the new environment. It seemed calm, nice but would I be safe here?

"Hazel!" I turned to the sound of my name being called but by an unfamiliar voice. Sage was instantly by my side, as I watched a man about the age of my father walk towards me. "You must be Sage?" I seen Sage not before the man turned back to me. "I'm Cole, the Beta of Black Moon pack. Alpha Angus sent me to bring you to his office. If you'll follow me." The Beta didn't wait, but turned and headed toward the house.

Sage and I shared a look before following him inside. I ignored the curious looks from those we passed and was usher inside the Alpha's office. My eyes snapped to the large man behind the big desk, and as soon as the door closed his eyes snapped to mine and he stood up quickly and engulfed me into a hug. I blinked in shock, unsure what to do. The Alpha seemed to realize how stiff I was because he released me and stepped back giving me space.

"Sorry. I realize you dont remember me, but I am a good friend of your fathers and I remember you from when you were just a little girl. When I heard what happened, I agreed to help in any way that I could." The Alpha explained.

I nodded slowly, "thank you Alpha."

The Alpha shook his head, "call me Angus. And this is my mate Claire." I turned my attention to the woman who stood next to him. She looked sweet, smiling the way she was and couldnt help but smile back. Her face suddenly softened slightly, "I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. Camel was my best friend. I'all miss her do much." Claire said, obviously fighting her emotions. ",your welcome to stay ad long as you nerd or want." She assured me.

I nodded slowly, fighting off my own. "T-thank you Luna."

"Now I'm sure that you've been told by Sage here the basics. No one by my mate, my Beta and myself know about who you are and why your here. The less the pack knows the safer we all will be. You'll be watched by Sage, and my Beta Cole. Do not leave my pack grounds without one of them, and try not to let anyone over hear you if you speak of home."

I nodded my understanding. "I understand Alp- I mean Angus." I smiled slightly.

Angus smiled and nodded, "Cole will show you both to your rooms and you both may change and freshen up. Come back down for breakfast once your done." Just ad he finished, Cole walked in to escort us to our rooms.

Once I was shown to my room I immediately took a deep breath and decided to shower.

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