Chapter 13: The Decision

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Dedicated to kreahe112 who commented many of this story chapters is an awesome person to talk with

Onodera POV

Rushing down the stairs as I continue tripping over my wedding dress. I burst into my mother's room while I tried catching my breath. With father words and encourage for my love for Masamune it's I stand up to my mother. I receive a scowled face from her but I ignore it. Time to end letting my mother control over my life once and for all.

"Ritsu!! What is the meaning of this?!" she shouted

"I decided not to marry Ryo, Okaa-san"

"What?! Ritsu this marriage is very important for the company and our family!"

"What about my own happiness mother!!! I never wanted this marriage in the first place!!"

I never shouted or talk back to my mother since I fear for the consequences but now I don't care. Mother looked in shock when I yell at her for the first time. Her hand connected to my cheek along with a loud smack. As my face was turned away from her raging dark brown eyes as my cheek sting from her slap. No tears stream down my cheek as I stare at my mother not backing down one bit.

"How dare you talk back to your mother like that!!! Leave my room at once and you're marrying Ryo whether you like it or not"

"No okaa-san!!! It's about you listen to me for once Okaa-san. During my high school years, you pressure me to date An-chan and even force an engagement on us. I told you a thousand times that I never loved her that way. You always pressure me to do something that you want to best for yourself, not me. I never wanted another engagement especially if I'm marrying Ryo. Yes, I do love him but just not the same anymore. I love another man who cherishes me as if I'm his most valuable gem. He took good care of me and listen to my problems when you didn't. He's my first and true love from my high school years"

"Ritsu...." Okaa-san whisper

"I won't let you take control of my life any more than you already have. I don't care if you disown me for disobeying your wish or loving another man. I will make my own choices now in my life. Not you ever again"

As my mother stood speechless right before my eyes I walked away from her finally free from her grasp. A thousand weights lifted off my shoulder as I finally stood up to my mother. I fear about it every day since I started high school mother never listens to me anymore and only thought about her happiness without thinking about my own happiness. Walking through the halls reaching to my room seeing Ryo by the door.


"It's ok, I heard everything from your mother room"

"Gomenasai Ryo, I know you were excited about the wedding but it just my heart"

Ryo cut me off when putting his finger on my lips with a small smile. He put my entire body against his chest embracing me tightly. Tiny wet droplets landed on my shoulder as Ryo rubbed my back. Within seconds, his lips were against my and couldn't help but kiss him back. The kiss lasted a short time but was sweet and passion just like Ryo I know and cherish.

"I love you Ritsu but I now know that your heart belongs to Masamune"

"You're letting me go?"

"I'm letting you be reunited with the man you truly love"

"Arigato, Ryo"

His soft sweet lips were pressed against my forehead before releasing me from his arms. The times when love seems cruel at the moment but somehow there always a happy moment in our never ending stories. 

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