Chapter 11: True Love and Saying Goodbye

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Sorry for late reply I was busy with school and had a  writers block but now I'm back so onto chapter 11....A little warning it may get a bit steamy and sad as well

Masamune POV

Today is another one rare day offs from work and gotten another day off since Isaka did owe me big time. Especially that night of Kazu birthday since I did took his place for very special meeting. If I didn't came back that night I couldn't have given Onodera his present and confess my true feelings for him. I couldn't forget those tears after I put the ring on his finger. I wore my every day at the apartment or whenever Onodera is around and he does the same. We've been closer than ever before since ten years ago and now I'm determined to stay with him forever as my husband.

I love you too

Hearing those words again just make my heart flutters knowing that Onodera is still in love with me. Hopefully, one day I wish we can stay together on the bed just like that talking to each others about our life. Even it takes another ten years to get an answer from Ritsu it'll be worth the wait. Being together with Ritsu once more is all I wish nothing more and nothing less. My heart pounds my chest as I kept thinking about my little brunette smiling and bashful face. A light chuckle escapes from my mouth as I knew I still love Onodera Ritsu.

Onodera POV

As I lay on the bed thinking about the engagement my mother sets me up with Ryo. Why didn't she tell me herself through phone or in person? Knowing I'm going to marry my best friend from England. We never even dated once but did share a few kisses and had a little make out session before. Though if I married Ryo then I won't see Masamune again and break his promise. Sobbing quietly against my pillows as I memorize Takano-san words that special night of my birthday.

I want to let you know that I'll always love you no matter what ok. I was devastated when I lost you, find out you had a fiancee, and when I learn you started working with the Emerald department I couldn't but be relief that you're still alive and came back into my life.

Biting my lower lip harshly not caring if I make it bleed or not. Everything was going well for us but I'm going to married Ryo. I don't want to marry Ryo...I .....I...I want to married Masamune!! Taking a light gasp that escaped from my mouth after I shouted my thoughts out. I can't deny it anymore I love Takano Masamune, I know it sounds crazy about I love him. I have to see him right now or things will be too late.

Masamune.....I love you...I love you too much

Third POV

Almost a month has passed since the Ritsu mother decided for the young brunette married his best friend. Most people congratulate the young editors except for Takano-san who was taking a cigarette break outside. Ever since he heard about the engagement during a business trip in Isaka place...again. The amber eyed man kept his distance away from the young brunette since knowing that he'll hurt him. The thought of losing Onodera to that man could be one of his worst nightmares. Dropping the cigarette down on the before putting it out with his foot.

Didn't bother to notice the door opening by a certain brunette who was catching his breath. Masamune turns his face away from the brunette avoiding to look at his eyes. What can he say to the man he loves being to another? He felt Onodera arms wrapping around his chest as the young brunette place himself against his back. The silence took over the thick atmosphere between the two editors with no words spoken.

"Masamune please listen..."

"How could you?!" Masamune interrupted the brunette

"Masamune please listen to me. I never wanted this engagement to happen in the first"

"Why don't you tell that to Ryo your beloved fiancee "

"Please Masamune, don't turn away from me"

"Why not?! You have Ryo for the rest of your life as your husband"

" I don't want to marry Ryo!!!!"

Breathing heavily as those words escaped from Onodera mouth while the tears stream down his cheeks. A light sob leaving Masamune speechless unable to move his entire body. The love of his life refuses to marry his close friend that he fell in love deeply with while in London 11 years ago.

"Why .....not...?!" Masamune stutters

"I can't lose you again Masamune, I love you"

"I love you too Ritsu but now I can't be with you anymore"

"What are you saying?!"

"If everyone knows about us then it could lead a bad reputation on your family company and I don't to be the cause of that"

"Masamune, please I can't bare to lose you once more"

"Neither can I Ritsu but it's for the best, but remember my love I won't stop loving you or even forget about you"

The amber eyed man pulled the young brunette in his arms embracing Ritsu tightly just one last night. Ritsu endless tears continue to stream down his cheeks but soon cut off by Masamune lips. Kissing every tear away before Ritsu pull the editor in chief into a sweet smoldering kiss. His small legs were being wrapped around Masamune waist as the boss licked the young brunette lips twice. Masamune rubbed his lower region against Ritsu's making him whimper softly.



The raven haired carelessly tore Ritsu shirt off letting the garment drop to the ground he kisses Ritsu neck all the down to his chest. Moaning and whimpering from the little uke drove Masamune mind crazy. He wanted to feel him letting his hands roam all over his back as his beloved continue kissing his chest. Not sure how long time has gone by but soon both editors are now shirtless. Masamune hands slid down to Ritsu thighs causing the brunette to gasp lightly.

Both men stare at each others with lust but mostly with love knowing this could be their last lovemaking. Love is so mysterious, wonderful, but also, can betray you with one stab on the back. Sometimes love will never go the way people wanted to be but guess that just part of life. Masamune and Ritsu lips met once more, this time, it felt with passion and no rushing of tongue twisting and turning. The young brunette tangles his hand into Masamune hair as they kiss a while longer while before breaking the kiss. They didn't notice that it was already dark outside but both of them didn't care.

"Masamune, I love you"


"I don't care if I'm engaged to Ryo or not but I love you"

"I love you too Ritsu and I'll never forget about you"

"Neither will I"

Onodera POV

I wasn't sure how long I stayed outside with Masamune making love with him. I didn't care though since tonight will be our final goodbye. I know I should've cut off the engagement but Masamune didn't want my family to be ruined. He's so gentle and kind whenever it comes to this situation. Walking down to the lobby meeting Ryo, my fiancee now and soon to be husband. I saw Masamune and gave him a small sad smile

Masamune POV

I didn't care how many hours or minutes pass by when I made love with Ritsu outside. I let him keep my jacket since I carelessly ripped his shirt. Walking down to the lobby I saw Ritsu talking with Ryo for a bit. My heart eventually tore apart knowingly my beloved will marry another man that I fear to lose. Now it already came true since I didn't want to put Onodera family at risk by giving them a bad reputation because of me. I saw Ritsu staring at me with a small sad smile. I return the smile back at him knowing this is our final goodbye.

Onodera POV


Masamune POV


Onodera and Takano POV


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