Chapter 12: Orange and Father's advise

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The song use in this chapter is call Orange its belong to a band called 7 Oops and such amazing song. its the second ending of an anime called Your lie in April. If you haven't it yet. I recommend it for you all people to watch a beautiful, funny, and sad anime. You click the video above to listen this beautiful

Anyway hope you'll like this chapter 

Onodera POV

8 months later

Watching outside by the windows taking a glance of the snow falling to the ground slowly. My forehead press against the cold glass as the warm tears trail down my cheeks. It's been so long since I saw Masamune that night. He would call me every once in awhile just to hear my voice and sometimes text but it rarely happens. One day he stops calling me and texting after a month of our last lovemaking. Every morning I often woke up crying without even knowing. I live at my parent mansion now while sharing a room with Ryo since he is my fiancee and soon to be husband. Mother decided the big day would be on Christmas eve. My heart flinch knowing that day is Masamune birthday. How could I marry my best friend on the day of my first love birthday?

Every afternoon Ryo and I would walk around the garden admiring the flowers and the rest of the nature around us. The white roses are the only flowers I would avoid since last White Day during work Masamune brought a bouquet just for me. A new beginning just for the both of us. I cherish those white roses as if my life have depended on it. Ryo notices it but never questions me about it. Probably he knew the reason but won't with talk me about it. That just Ryo he always caring about me whenever I'm feeling heartbroken or lonely. He would often kiss me on the cheeks but mostly on the lips. There were times I don't kiss him back since I'm too busy thinking about Masamune wondering what's he doing right now.

I never saw him again after 8 months of separation which it kills me on the inside. Is Masamune eating and getting enough sleep? Is he seeing someone ....else? Biting my lower lip harshly as more tears drop onto my hands. The thought of Masamune moving onto someone else tore my heart apart. Sobbing on the window lane not knowing who enter my room as I felt a hand on my heart.

"No more tears my son," said Otou-san

"Otou-san...." I replied

"Let gets you out of this room my son"

Otou-san lead me out of my bedroom as he wipes my tears away with his handkerchief. My father understands my situation better than Okaa-san since she never listens to me not even for one minute. That why I have a better relationship with my father than with my own mother. I wasn't sure how things ended up now but it wasn't what I had excepted for my entire life. Ryo and I are bound to be married since we do love each others but I don't want to marry him. Does that mean I don't love him that way anymore? Won't explain it to you at all since I don't know the answer to myself yet.

A few minutes pass as we walked down the hall together not caring if I'm wearing my wedding dress. Mother wanted to make a few alteration before the day of the wedding and I hated it. Wasn't sure what happen next but all I know is that Otou-san lead us to the piano room. I gave my father a small smile knowing if I was upset about something father would lead to the piano room singing our special song together.

"Today we won't be playing our special song"


"You'll sing Orange"


"Yes, I use to sing that song every night for you while you were young"

"But I don't know the lyrics Otou-san"

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