Shocking Reunion or Romantic Reunion?

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Another day working at the Emerald department shoujo manga section with everyone pulling their asses off trying getting their author manga publish even though most of them are being complicated. Onodera Ritsu the novice editor has been in the Emerald Department for a year now with the help of Kisa and Hatori by his side. The young editor was supposedly in the literature department, but there was mixed up and so on Onodera was placed into editing manga. Only to make the situation even worse is the brunette has to work with his ex-lover from high school Takano Masamune, with his last name change from his parent's divorce, the young editor didn't even notice him. After the explanation of the misunderstanding, Ritsu still refuses to confess his love to his only and cherish Masamune. Though 10 years without seeing each other's were pretty difficult for both men, the demon head-chief never stop loving his little Ritsu.

In the late afternoon, Onodera was checking his manuscript from Kazu-sensei, one of Marukawa best shoujo manga author. Having to create nearly 10 volumes for series of the classic novels of all times The Phantom of the Opera. The story is taken in the modern times in Japan where beauty Shira's adopted by the owner of an Opera theater that said to be haunted by the Phantom, who terrifying the audience. Though one day the Phantom and Shira first met a spark sudden bloom between the young teens, Shira old childhood returns home and is in love with Shira deeply. Somehow Kazu-sensei is in writer blocks or something similar to that situation so a new editor will be joining the Emerald Department starting today. We all know who was the volunteer (more like force) to pick up the new editor from the train station, Onodera Ritsu. Mumbling underneath his breath while packing his manuscript before leaving the office.

I swear the gang just love to pick on me because I'm still a newbie, he thought

Today wasn't just his day after all unless what day is his day? Sighing crossly while waiting for the new editor to arrive in about 10 minutes or so. Rumour had it's that the newcomer is from England, what a scroll of luck. The brunette did take studying abroad over there, where he made a few friends since many of the other students were trying to bully the exchange student, but no way that was happening cause a very special person came across Onodera mind all of sudden. A young man just barely a year older than the brunette, but was a senior. His dark black hair that sparkles in the night sky with his unusual navy blue eyes that shimmer by the sun rays. A hint of a blush crept upon Onodera face just remembering the older guy who treated the brunette very special to him like no one else. He couldn't forget that Senpai in England, the ache still bare inside his chest of leaving England. Heartbreaking to leave special friends and probably another man that he has fallen in love.

WHAT?! AH! RITSU!? Why are you thinking like that of all sudden? Besides, it's been a year already since you left England and ... He probably forgot all about you.

Forgotten...? Huh? A light thud of string pulled on Ritsu heart having the feeling to be forgotten by someone that is very special to you just sudden shatter into pieces between the moment of harsh concrete and a fragile vase. Feeling tears running up his eyes that the brunette didn't notice the stairs, a pair of arms pull him aside preventing the young man nearly injuring himself if he had fallen down those steps. Breathing a bit heavy by the cause of fear when the pair of arms suddenly pulls him onto the stranger's chest. Those if the stranger didn't pull him aside he would of slip and rolled down the stairs harshly having to sprain his ankle or worse.

"Are you alright?" asked the stranger

"Yes, thank you for preventing my fall" Ritsu replied

"No problem"

The stranger turns out to be a very handsome man with muscular arms and chest that were very similar to Takano's, but not much, though. He was also wearing a hoodie to be covering his entire face but those eyes. Where has he seen those unusual eyes before? A hint fragrance of cologne draws the young brunette more curious about the stranger. He didn't notice the young man picking up some manuscript of one of Kazu-sensei manga which caught the brunette eyes. Collecting the manuscripts along with the stranger kept his hoodie down as if he wanted to hide his face on purpose. Guess you can say that curiosity kills the cat, Ritsu wanted to know why this man eyes and cologne scent are familiar to someone that he cherishes very much. The other man gave the adorable uke a smirk before looking at the other way. Before reaching the last manuscript, both hands together landed on top of the of the other. The beloved and adorable little uke pull his hands away from the stranger but the other caught his hand once more and kiss it gently.

WHAT?!, Ritsu contemplate

Moving a bit further from the other man while covering his blushing face while hearing a hint of snickering "You never change did you Ri-chan." compliment the man.

Ri-chan...No way, he hasn't heard that nickname in such a long time now but how? How did this man know about the nickname? Letting curiosity getting the better of him, Onodera place his hands onto the hoodie before pulling it down with his jaws dropped in silence. It can't be .....Ryo-Senpai, his one and only Senpai (besides Masamune-senpai) who always stayed by his side during the three years together they spent in London. A flow of river running down the side of his cheeks with pain and also joy. Rushing into those gentle arms of Okami Ryo, the one man who took care of Ritsu broken heart and restore it back together in a single matter of time when he was about to fallen in love this time with Ryo but never gotten the courage to confess his feelings towards him since that time Ryo had a girlfriend at that time but during the year where both men wrote letters to each other (Takano doesn't even know about this) that he and his girlfriend broken up because she has been cheating on him and got pregnant with another guy. It thug and anger Ritsu heart after knowing that one girl would hurt a lovely gentleman-like Ryo. He didn't deserve to be treated like an idiot during all those years they were together. The brunette wished he could have gone back to London and confessed his feelings to Ryo but couldn't since he, himself knows that Onodera Ritsu is slowly falling back in love with Takano Masamune.

Ryo pulls the younger man inside his arms tightly while rubbing his hairs gently as he used to back then. Those soft and warm hands make the little uke heart beating super fast as if it were nonstop. How long has it been since those two's were like this? Being so close together felt so different than with Takano, Onodera doesn't know why but maybe because Ryo seems to be more understanding and softer than the black-haired but wasn't exactly sure though.

"Ritsu.," Ryo whisper softly

The older man black hair that was similar to the night sky and his navy blue eyes that capture the perfect moment shimmering by the sun rays. His hair seems to identical to Usami-sensei but a bit shorter and his bangs were the same as Ritsu's bangs.

Ryo continues hugging Ritsu ignoring the squealing of fangirls and people staring at them all confused but also curious as well. He places a light kiss on the creamy cheek which causes even more squealing from the group of fangirls and whispering from the people around them. The little uke blushes before looking away from his best friend or crushes whatever that situation he was in but the other man continues whispering in his ear.

"I'll always protect you with my life, Onodera Ritsu"


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