Chapter 12 The Prophecy

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          "YOU'RE WHAT!?" Watersplash yowled astounded. "When are they going to be born?? How many? Are you ok?" Watersplash rushed on. Willowwhisper just flicked her ears in annoyance. "Honestly! You're as bad as Shadowfire!" Willowwhisper mumbled. "Sorry!" Watersplash purred. "But this doesn't happen every day now does it?" Watersplash purred.

          Shadowfire gave Willowwhisper a comforting lick. "I'm sure they'll be beautiful," he mewed. Rainclaw came up and mewed, "Congratulations Shadowfire and Willowwhisper!" he mewed teasingly. Shadowfire's the father! Of course! Watersplash mewed.

          "Look out Willowwhisper!" Watersplash mewed. "Now you'll have two cats bugging you!" she mewed with sisterly affection. "Oh no! Spare me!" Willowwhisper said sarcastically. "I'll be fine. Both of you," Willowwhisper mewed as she padded off to the nursery.

          Watersplash took a moment to think. Kits! Who knew!  she thought as Beyrlstar called for a clan meeting. As she took a seat in front of the Highrock, she noticed Tawn, Ivy, Midnightmoon, Hawkfire, Silverflame, Silverfeather, and Flameclaw clustered around the edge.

          "Today is a day of victory for Rustclan!" Beyrlstar yowled. The surrounding cats cheered, and Watersplash looked at them proudly. This was her clan now, and she knew her clanmates would die beside her. "With the help of the resistance group," Beyrlstar gestured to them, "we rescued Watersplash and struck a blow to Shatteredclan and Bloodclan. "Now these cats ask to stay here in Rustclan until the battle is over."

          There was no argument. These cats had helped them. The whole clan roared in agreement, and Watersplash saw Hawkfire's and Ivy's faces change from nervousness to happiness. "These cats will help in the training of our new warriors, and with strategies for defeating Shatteredclan and Bloodclan. Midnightmoon will help Whispersong with any injuries. Tawn, Ivy, Flameclaw, and Silverflame will help teach the older warriors, and Silverfeather, Hawkfire, and Snowfall will help train the apprentices.  Clan meeting dismissed!"

          Watersplash bounded, purring, towards the former Shatteredclan and Bloodclan cats. "Congratulations!" she purred. "Thanks!" Ivy mewed back. "I'm glad to be away from Bloodclan and Shatteredclan," Snowfall agreed.

          "Hey, Ivy!" Snowfrost yowled from across the clearing. "Can you help me touch up my battle skills?"     "Sure!" Ivy mewed and ran over. The rest took a patrol of cats toward the training clearing, and Fogmask sorted out a hunting patrol.

          "Hey, Watersplash, can we talk?" Fogmask said. "Of course," Watersplash mewed curiously. "I wanted to tell you-" Fogmask began then was interrupted. Jaypaw bounded up to Fogmask and said, "Beyrlstar wants us to train with the new cats in preparation."   Fogmask sighed, then gave a friendly nod to Watersplash and followed his apprentice out of the entrance tunnel.

          Watersplash stared after him, flicking her tail in annoyance. Toms! So busy they can't even spit a sentence out sometimes! Watersplash thought.

           Watersplash was padding off to her nest for a nap when Shadowfire padded up to her. "What's up Shadowfire?" she asked. The tom shuffled his paws. "It's Willowwhisper," he mewed with concern in his eyes.  "She keeps saying she's fine, but she wont drink and she keeps coughing," Shadowfire mewed with concern.

          Watersplash rested a paw on his shoulder. "I'll see what I can do," she mewed.

          "Shadowfire! Stop being a lazy mousebrain and help me put up these brambles!" Nightclaw hissed from across camp. "Coming!" Shadowfire mewed. Watersplash smiled in amusement and padded into the nursery.

          Duskleaf and Winterbreeze, the other two nursing queens whose kits had been born only a short time ago, gave her a friendly nod as she came in. "Look! A big cat came to see us!" Solarkit squeaked. Duskleaf purred and turned to Watersplash.

          "Your here to see Willowwhisper, I'm sure?" Duskleaf asked. Watersplash nodded and Winterbreeze let out a sigh. "Good thing! She's been coughing all day!" Winterbreeze scolded with affection in her voice.

          Willowwhisper gave a rattily purr. "I'm fine you guys," she rasped, then broke into a fit of coughing. Watersplash stared in shock. "Willowwhisper, I'll go get Whispersong," Watersplash mewed concerned.

          Her sister flicked her tail in anger. "But I'm fine!" she mewed. "Oh no your not!" Winterbreeze countered.

          "Is she gonna get sick?" Snowkit asked.

          "Hush kits! Why don't you go play outside?" Duskleaf said firmly. Solarkit and Snowkit padded out of the den, grumbling in discontent.

          "Willowwhisper, the sooner you accept you need herbs the better," Watersplash said. "You need to stay healthy, for your kits," Watersplash urged.

          Finally the she-cat relented. "Fine, fine!" Willowwhisper grumbled as she curled into a ball. Watersplash gave a content smile and started toward the medicine cat den.

          "Hold it," Watersplash heard behind her. She sighed and turned. What's with all these interruptions! Watersplash growled to herself. She turned and saw Beyrlstar looking at her. "You should go get some rest," he mewed.

          Watersplash growled in annoyance. "But I need to go to Whispersong about Willowwhisper!" she protested. "I'll have Amberfeather take care of that," Beyrlstar said. "Your practically asleep on your paws," he added.

          Now that she thought about it, she was kind of tired. "Well..." Watersplash murmured. "It's an order Watersplash, not a suggestion," Beyrlstar said firmly. Watersplash nodded and padded into the empty warrior's den, and collapsed in a pile onto her nest.

                                                              * * * * *

          Watersplash opened her eyes to see a beautiful forest, draped in shimmering fog. Quiet birdsong echoed throughout the woods. "Hello?" Watersplash called. "Is anyone here?"

          Suddenly excited whispering occurred from all around her. "She came! She came!" the voices said. "Hello!" Who is there?" Watersplash asked nervously. Suddenly, all the voices stopped. Then one voice, deeper and mellower than the others, began to speak.

                                           "Darkness come with Evil's might

                                         They come to face the flickering Light.

                                       The world will Shatter, and fill with Blood.

                            But Darkness beware, for the Light comes with a new ally.

                                        Born to Darkness, yet drawn to Light,

                                          The Turning Tide will win the fight!"

          The voice stopped and all was silent. Watersplash stared in awe at her surroundings, searching for the voice.  "What just happened? Who is the turning tide!" Watersplash yowled into the trees. Then blackness engulfed her vision, and she felt herself fall into an endless abyss.

        Ok! So that is the first time we've seen the prophecy so far. Oh how I love cliffhangers! >:D! Stay tuned for the next chapter!(I sound like a TV reality show person >_<)

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