Chapter 21 A Dark Turn

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         Soon dawn came, and Rustclan waited anxiously for their new leader.

         Watersplash felt a soft paw poke her side. She opened her eyes slowly to see a silver kit with white markings and big green eyes. The kit squeaked in surprise as Watersplash opened her eyes, scuttling backwards.

         Watersplash shook the morning dew off her pelt and narrowed her eyes at the horizon. She'd been on guard along with four other warrior for the entire night, just to make sure Deathclan wasn't coming back

          "Who're you?" she silvery kit asked, her voice soft and high. "You smell familiar," the kit added.

          Watersplash bent her head to sniff the kit and let out a purr. She smells just like Willowwhisper! she thought. "You must be Splashkit," Watersplash purred. "That's right! How'd you know?" Splashkit asked.

          "Well my sister's been talking about her beautiful kits for a while now!" Watersplash mewed. Splashkit cocked her head, thinking, then answered, "That's us, right?" Watersplash nodded, pleased. "So that means..... you're Willowwhisper's sister!" Splashkit mewed.

          "Correct," Watersplash purred. Splashkit sure was a good thinker!

          Suddenly, a furry little whirlwind fled past the two she-cats. Watersplash swiveled her head, looking for it.  Then she felt something behind her and turned to see a gray tom kit hiding near her hind leg.

          "Graykit?" Splashkit mewed, astounded.

           "Don't let Crowkit find me!" Graykit purred. "We're playing hide and seek!"

         Then another tom kit, this one much darker, came barreling toward them. "Graykit I can smell you!" the darker tom chirped.

          "Dang it!" Graykit mewed sullenly, stepping out from behind Watersplash.

         "Now it's your turn to be it!" the darker kit purred.

         "Ok Crowkit....... but you have to catch me first!" Graykit mewed and bounded off, Crowkit running after him and Splashkit, saying, "Wait for me!"

          Watersplash purred as she watched the kits play. Willowwhisper's kits sure are lively! Watersplash thought with a purr.

         Then, she heard soft pawsteps. Watersplash whirled her head around to see Fogmask, no, Fogstar, padding toward through the entrance with Midnightmoon and Whispersong.

          "Fogstar, you're back!" Jaypaw called. With that, the rest of the clan took notice and padded up to their new leader, congratulating him. Watersplash stayed back until the rest of the clan had receded back to their activities. She padded up and mewed, "Congratulations," with pride in her voice.

          "Thanks," he answered back. "Fogstar...?" Midnightmoon asked. "Oh, right," Fogstar answered and leapt up onto the Highrock.

          "All cats who can catch their own prey, join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" Fogstar called. After all the cats had gathered, he began to talk.

          "These are dark times..." he began, "but we carry on. We have our kits, to grow strong as warriors...." Watersplash looked at Willowwhisper and her kits and smiled. "And we have apprentices, who carry on our traditions and become warriors in their own time, vowing to protect and serve the clan with their lives. So now, I would like to give the clan's apprentices their warrior names."

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