Crying like a child

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Crying like a child,

Afraid of anything wild.

She doesn't listen to anyone but her own voice,

It's hers alone and only her choice.

She is too weak to stand on her own two feet,

She has been judged to many times and beat.

Yet she casts everyone away.

She doesn't have enough room in her heart for you to stay.

She is broken both inside and out,

She is only full of doubt.

She doesn't recieve love, hope, or care.

But she says she is fine.

Nothing can tear.

But she's wrong.

She has already been torn before.

She can only sing a sad song.

She sits alone.

Nowhere to go.

No home of her own.

What is it that makes her so sad?

She can't change her expression.

She can't even be mad.

Is there anything left inside her?

Is it there now, was or were?

"There is nothing left," she says.

She never can find the right way.

But she still has feeling and can still go on.

But she hasn't just yet won.

She needs to fight,

And search for the light.

But will she listen to anyone else but herself?

She doesn't even care about her own health.

Will you be strong enough to push her forward?

To get her through the stress she will go toward.

But can she really trust you?

To take her in the right direction, would you?

Would you really waste your time to save HER soul,

Instead of yours?

Will you help her fly until she learns to soar?

Are you really that selfless?

Will you do your best?

Just for HER?

Not for YOU?

Is it really that simple?

Is it true?

Will she keep crying?

Or will she start flying?

Is she really that strong?

Will she hang on that long?

Are you sure you want to take care of this child,

That only knows how to cry.

Doesn't she have a broken wing?

How will she fly?

Will you take her home,

And patch her up?

Will you lift her,

And put her on top?

If you really do love her that much,

And you can make her happy with one touch.

Then please do take this girl who only knows how to cry,

And make her whole again and teach her how to fly.

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