Guardian Angel

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Angels have wings and can fly,

But their hearts never seem to die.

They follow you around all day,

Just to make sure you're okay.

They are the messengers from the father above,

Spreading generosity, giving, caring, and love.

Angels are rarely seen,

Unless you really believe.

They hide behind your shadows,

And know your every secret.

They whisper, "I love you" in your ear,

It is something they never regret.

No matter what they hear or see,

They're always by your side.

They show you they're there everyday,

And never like to hide.

If you cant find them,

You may as well be blind.

For I can assure you,

They're not very hard to find.

So no matter what you go through,

You are never alone.

For angels are always around us,

And never will be completely gone.

If you listen closely you may be able to see or hear,

Angels sing next to you "I will never dissapear!"

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