Living Without You

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Living without you,

Is like breathing with no air.

I cant take a breath.

Its something I can't bare.

Living without you,

Is like sitting in the dark.

There is no light.

No feeling and no spark.

Living without you,

Is like being permanently numb.

I've lost all emotion.

I can't ever feel or touch.

Living without you,

Is like standing in the pouring rain.

My eyes sting with tears.

All the water in my body has drained.

Living without you,

Is like suffering from thirst.

You were my everything.

To me you always came first.

Living without you,

Is like dying again and again.

I cant believe it.

That I survived through this pain.

Living without you,

Is like losing a neverending fight.

I feal weak in every bone.

My heart and muscles are so tight.

Living without you,

Is like not living at all.

When I lost you.

I just began to fall.

Losing all sanity,

Going insane.

Losing control.

Im surprised I didn't faint.

Living without you,

Makes me feel so dull.

I feel as if,

There is no reason for me to live at all.

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