Chapter 2

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Again if you don't like don't comment. I will not change my character for you.. 

 Hope you enjoy it. =D

Chapter 2

(Angel POV)

“Thank you daddy,” I kissed his cheek through the window, he smiled and told me to have a good day before he pulled off with my mom waving at me I giggled and waved back with my good hand.
I wasn’t allowed to walk to school today something about me being clumsy and something about them not wanting to find me at a hospital again. I actually didn’t feel like walking today anyway so it was a win, win situation although we did pass that evil tree on the way here. My dad so kindly ripped the branch off before throwing it in the yard. My mom and I cheered him on; of course I performed my evil laugh.
“Take that tree,” I shouted making a chopping movement with my hand. Everyone around me stopped and stared. I blushed and scurried away to find Ashley, I ran into the school building quickly.
“Angel over here,” She called out, I looked up seeing her by her locker. I smiled at her as she pulled me into a hug.
“You’re really scaring me now, I can’t let you out of my sight without you getting hurt,” She stated I giggled and held up a sharpie.
“Sign my cast, mom and dad did,” I said pointing to loving message that they wrote mom added hearts and flowers along with a mini version of herself and dad waving to me.
“You and your mom are so weird,” she muttered while signing her name. We weren’t weird.
“I got you a sticker,” she said I squealed it was Little Mermaid. She peeled it off and placed it on my cast while I thanked her over and over again.
“No problem I have some more at my house, but it requires a blow-dryer to apply them,” I smiled and hugged her again as she laughed and dragged me to my first class.
“Your mom said that the nurse has your pain medicine so if you need it go to her she also said you can sleep if you start to get headaches,” I followed into our homeroom and sat down. My mom and dad didn’t want me to come to school today since I was in the hospital most of the night, but I was fine, I was still in pain but I took some medicine this morning, so I was fine for right now. I couldn’t afford to miss classes.
“So Blake helped you yesterday,” she asked I gasped. That’s his name! His name is Blake.
“Yeah I completely forgot his name, but yeah he helped me in fact he saved me although he did break my arm,” I exclaimed before staring at her curiously.
“How do you know him,” I asked she shrugged and shook her head at me as if I was dumb.
“I just know him, if you see him again be careful,” she said with warning in her voice I nodded I’m not sure why I had to be careful, but I always took her word for it, plus I’m sure he could squish me with his pinky if he wanted too.
“Okay, but he seemed nice and he stayed with me in the hospital, although he didn’t save my bike or feed me,” I mumbled with a frown. Now that I think about it, I don’t think he attempted to save my bike at all and he didn’t offer me any food. What kind of guy doesn’t offer a women food, my dad always offered my mom food in fact that was how they met.
“Angel you’re really weird,” she mumbled I shrugged I wasn’t weird my dad said I was just different.  I looked at Ashley again before reaching out and poking her cheek.
“Angel,” She growled I squeaked and moved my hand quickly away.
“You growled at me,” I exclaimed pouting she groaned and put her head down.
“Come on,” she muttered standing up, I grabbed my book bag with my good arm and slung it over my shoulder before quickly following after her.
“How did the meeting go,” I asked Ashley she looked at me as I tilted my head to the side.
“Fine, nothing too special, the Alpha was just telling us that they’ll be coming sooner than we thought might even be here by tomorrow, and the next meeting which is when they arrive he expects everyone, to be there it’ll be mandatory,” she said slowly while giving me a pointed look. I swallowed and nodded hopefully I’ll be in another accident before that happens.

Later on

I skipped through the empty halls making my way to the nurse, my arm is bothering me so my teacher let me go to the nurse office, I sigh Mr. Daniels was always nice to me, in fact most teachers were nice to me. I wouldn’t call myself a teachers pet or anything, but Ashley said its because I’m cute, which is kind of rude although they do let me get away with a lot of stuff.
“Coming through,” I yelled skipping faster I giggled and tilted my head back before I crashed into a brick wall. I yelped and stumbled back rubbing my nose and pouting. Stupid wall. I looked up to give it a scolding, but it wasn’t a brick wall. I frowned and touched it. It was definitely hard, but at the same time it was soft. I rubbed my hand against it feeling indents. It was rather strange.
“What the hell,” I gasped it speaks, that’s so weird.
“Whoa what are you?” I asked only to have it chuckle making my stomach flop, I looked up seeing the man from yesterday. I jumped back and pointed. It was Blake and he still looked perfect like a Greek god. His chiseled face stood out more than yesterday. I stared at his beautiful face wanting to touch it.
“You,” I exclaimed, only to have him laugh and look at me confused.
“What are you doing here,” he asked bending down to my level which was pretty low for him, I puckered my lips up.
“I’m going to the nurse office,” I stated frowning at him as he nodded and placed a hand on my head. I leaned into his hand with a sigh before gasping and pushing hit away, he stared at me amused.
“Stop with that magic,” I said glaring at him, he chuckled and patted my head again before standing up. I swallowed he was looming over me. He was a freaking giant like my dad.
“You’re big,” I blurted out before blushing and covering my mouth.
“I know,” I shook my head and touched his bicep in somewhat awe.
“No, you’re really big and muscular,” I muttered squeezing his arm and ignoring the urge I had to wrap my body around his. He’ll probably squish me if I did that. I wonder… I poked his body noticing just how hard it was. I went to his back and probed around. I lifted his shirt only to have him move away slightly.
“You’re like a steel wall,” I said before going to his legs and squeezing them, he chuckled and pulled me away effortlessly.
“You shouldn’t poke strangers,” he state bending down to me again, I blushed realizing what I just did. He must think I’m crazy now.
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled making him laugh again. My heart fluttered, it was so deep, guttural, and so orgasmic. I gasped internally, orgasmic, daddy will kill me if he heard my thoughts. My cheeks heated up again as I looked away completely embarrassed.
“Its fine, but what are doing in the school. Do your parents work here,” he asked while walking. I ran to catch up with him which was very difficult to do since he was much taller than me.
“Nope, I go here,” I said skipping in front of him and giggling at the shocked look on his face, he eyed me up and down making me giggle even more.
“Since when,” he asked I shrugged and turned to the front seeing the nurse office up ahead.
“I’m a junior, I graduate in a year, so I’ve been here for three years,” I said holding out my fingers as his mouth dropped open, I grinned and skipped into the nurse office leaving him behind. I’m sure he would follow.
“Ms. Michele,” I called out she turned around and smiled before hugging me tightly.
“I heard about your accident are you okay,” she asked immediately I nodded and pointed to my cast.
“Just a broken arm and some bruises, other than that I’m great,” I stated grinning at her, she seemed to let out a breath before she gently pulled me over to the bed, I sat down immediately she went through her cabinets as her door opened again. It was the big guy again. I smiled and waved.
“Ms. Michele this is the guy who broke my arm,” I state while pointing to him, he was still staring at me in shock.
“You broke her arm!” Ms. Michele half yelled he put his hands up quickly while taking brief glances at me as I smiled and swung my legs back and forth.
“I saved her from getting hit, I landed on her arm, you know they’re fragile,” he said quickly making me look away, so he also knew I was a half breed, which meant he was also a wolf, I bet he regrets saving me now. I shut my eyes tightly trying not to cry, but it wasn’t working, I was always emotional. Ms. Michele looked at me before glaring at him and smacking him.
“Get out my office,” she stated I looked up at her in surprise, he gave me a apologetic look before leaving out.
“Hey no need to cry,” she said sitting down next to me, I sniffled and wiped my eyes. It’s my moms fault that I’m so emotional.
“I know, but I can’t help it,” I cried making her smile she wrapped her arms around me.
“I hate when you cry, a young lady should never cry,” she said softly I nodded on her shoulder.
“I know and I try not to, but its pointless, I’m pointless,” I mumbled trying to wipe the never ending tears away.
“I’m a half breed and,”
“Don’t say that,” She growled out shocking me, I looked up at her surprised to see her eyes darkening.
“But its true,” I mumbled softly did she think I was human, I wasn’t I didn’t belong to either race.

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