Recruitment Interview with @CelticMedusa

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Interview with @CelticMedusa

I'm happy to answer questions...

1. What prompted you to enter the MotherHorror Smackdown?

I've never thought I could write horror, but I'm trying to stretch myself as a writer. I am mainly a dark fantasy writer, with my main series posted on my CelticRose profile. Being on wattpad encouraged me to branch out and try other genres, so I posted a serial killer story and some eerie (but tongue-in-cheek / black humour) paranormal shorts. I'm now writing a full length paranormal mystery/thriller on my CelticMedusa profile, so I thought that entering a Horror SD would help me to build my skills in creeping people out! I loved the HistFic one last time, so I was on the lookout for another to enter that was outside my usual genre!

2. Have you participated in any of the other Wattpad's Smackdown competitions? If yes, which ones and how many rounds did make it through?

I made it through 2 rounds of the HistFic 1.0 challenge, and am having another go this time around as well! I got knocked out of the Sengoku Era Japan round. Sad times. Hoping to get at least two rounds in again...!

3. What do you think makes a good smackdown competition?

Lots of good, friendly competition! It's great to read other people's stuff, so I love hovering around the boards to see how everyone's doing and trying to see how it's done!

4. What would you like to see in the up coming rounds?

Honestly... I'd like to not guess! It's so much fun not knowing what's coming next. Since Horror isn't my usual genre, I have no preferences... but secretly, I'm hoping for a monster round... [Hammer Horror fan]

5. What were your first thoughts when you saw the recruitment picture and the word count ?

What the hell am I going to do with this??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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