Recruitment Interview with @jewel1307

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Jewel1307 was asked what prompted her to sign up for the MotherHorror Smackdown and if she had participated in any other smackdowns.

Here is her response:

I was tempted to enter the Horror Smackdown by the challenge for the most part. Writing to a prompt in a given genre is more difficult than some people think and when it's a genre you don't normally write, the challenge is increased ten-fold. I missed the first HSD by hares breath because I had committed to the sci fi SD, again sci fi is not something I'd written before participating, so challenging myself to both at the same time was more than my poor brain could handle. I managed to make it as far as round 3 in both sci fi SD's I'd entered before the old brain juice dried up. Free time prevented me joining the second HSD, but thankfully this one, the third, came along at the perfect time and the inspiration came the instant I saw the picture. That doesn't happen often for me.

@xxButterflykissesxx and I host the fantasy smackdown under the account@magical_realms, our second SD recruitment started just days after I'd signed up here. Setting the challenges is sometimes harder than writing from the prompts. You can't give too difficult a task or an impossible prompt, neither can you give something completely obvious and make it too easy or people lose interest, you know that better than I do. The trick, I think, is variety. Not only does it keep the writers interested and wondering what surprise you have in store for them next, but their readers also become intrigued by what the writers can dream up from seemingly impossible prompts like: normal, everyday inanimate objects used as weapons. Inclusion of weird animals. Settings for the story, such as a graveyard, church, farm, schoolhouse - those are too obvious, I know. Umm... give us characters, quotes, music, an opening/closing line.

I'm really looking forward to this despite knowing I won't last long judging by some of the entrant stories.

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