chapter 23

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justin has finally moved in with me, because i couldnt handle living alone. i was actually quite scared because i thought someone was in the house and heard noises.

lets just see if justin knew how to cook if he was ever home alone, i bet he only knows how to make eggs and make a sand which. sorry babe, but you know how you are.

justin and i share a room now, he has moved all his guy stuff which over basically took over half of my room. which means we have a lot of guest rooms. where one of us could be sleeping when we argue, and i call dibs to always sleeping here.

i sigh loudly as i put the last box down on the floor, "please let me take a break" i complaines and heard justin's soft laugh come out.

"thanks for the help babe, even though you only carried 3 boxes, but again, great job gorgeous" he says kissing softly.

i laugh slightly to myself, yep thats right. Selena Gomez only carried 3 boxes. that's a new records people. im kidding, i only carried three because you know i was distracted by justin's toned abs, but hey you guys would like to look, but I wouldn't let you.

"shut up," i blushed to myself as i put my head down giggling a bit.

"because you like the view of my beautiful abs," he smirks, stretching his biceps. my head is going crazy now.

"keep dreaming bieber," i say laying down on the bed. he laughs and lays down with me.

it felt good laying down, not because i was tired, but don't you ever get that feeling? like when you're with someone and it makes you blush all the time just thinking about it, you both talk about your future. how much kids you want, how much you love each other and will never stop talking about that.

i never thought i would actually date my best friend; i thought we stayed like Best friends for ever but some things changes, and honestly this was the best change ever.

if we ever broke up, it would be the most devastating thing ever, i get night mares that if we evere break up, we couldn't be friends anymore because we can't handle each other. i cant bare to lose him, i need him in my life.

he's practically my source of light, when i moved here he was my first ever friend, i still remeber he said this "Just remember selly if we ever get together like mommy and daddy i promise i will never leave you"

i smile slightly at the memory, lets just hope he remembers and promises this.

"babe," i hear him snort out, "you were zoning out for about 5 minutes," he giggles.

i blush in embarrassment, "oh sorry, i was thinking," i say looking out in the blues.

"about what?" he ask putting his arms around my shoulder. should I tell him? what if he feels weirdes out, well i dont care. i'll just tell him.

"well remember that promise you said to me when we were younger?" i asked hopefully he says yes.

he looks at me in a confusing way and shakes his head no. "oh" that was all i had to say.

i hear him letting out a soft laugh, "of course, i said i will never leave you like mom and dad." YES HE FREAKING REMEBERS OH THANK JESUS.

"AWH, i hope thats true, because i will have kylie, demi, my whole family from texas come and murder you." i say picking my nails.

"wait what?" he says with a scared face and giggle,

"i kid, i kid, selena gomez is kidding," i say in a weird accent. we both laugh along, after my laugh my stomach started grumbling, "selena gomez's tummy says go make her some food babe," i smile and pout at the same time.

"does cereal work?" he suggest and my face litteraly fell. are you kidding me? just cereal? is this boy out of his mind? no cereal doesnt not work for me.

"i kid, i kid, justin bieber is kidding." he says mocking me and i roll my eyes playfully. you better be kidding.

"cool story babe, now go make me a sandwhich," i smirk. we both head down stairs and i sit on the stool. he opens the fridge, and we only see two things; eggs and tomatoes.

"we have to go shopping," i complained. honestly i hate shopping but i get to pick my own food now, so thats good at least.

i didnt have a problem with what i was wearing, jay grabs his keys and we both head out to the cars. we hopped in his car and his favorite song came on. honestly, justin has a great voice.

few minutes later we finally got to safe way. i grab our cart and started pushing it to the first aisle, a couple girls were glaring at me and eyeing my boy friend, i roll my eyes, "do i need to buy you some holy water and bible?" i ask them, they both roll their eyes and scoff. they walk afterwards and I laugh to myself.

i see justin looking at the cookies and laughing to himself. "you were so jealous baby, im irresistible, girls cant handle me," he says complementing himself.

i start laughing out loud, okay keep dreaming bieber, "boy, your just the male version of me, im sexy as hell," i say flipping my hair.

another thing you cant have me and justin is because he bought like the whole stock of cookies, there's only like 5 packs left of cookies and only left one for the next people.

i mean we actually bought somethings we needed and spent over 200 dollars, because of justin and his stupid cookies. seriously chips ahoy. well of course i cant tottaly blame justin because me being me, i bought like 3-4 bags of hot cheetos. those are like my life, i could be a hot cheeto if i wanted to.

as we went to the self check out, the same two girls that were checking out my boy friend, had said something that made me so flipping mad, "she looks like a whore" i hear one of them mumble.

i turned around immediatly, "EXCUSE ME WHAT!?" i screamed causing the whole store to look at me.

shes smirks and lets out a grin, "you heard me you little bitch!" i was about to punch the hell out of this chick, but thank god justin had pulled me. he kept his arms on my waist by dragging me to the car.

"baby, don't listen to them. you're not a whore, slut, hoe or anything like that. you're beautiful, and you're everything i ever wanted" those are the words i've been dying to hear.

thanks for being patient 🙄😊 im sorry for a long update, well i still have homework, like alootttttt. but i can for sure update tomorrow :)) no doubt in that. thank you for your kind comments and your votes! 💘😌 have a great night/day, my beautiful readers! :)) btw leave some ideas for next chapter!

His best friend// j.bWhere stories live. Discover now