Chapter 35

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Cartman shuts off the TV. You stare at the blank screen and imagine all the awesome stuff your gonna do. Like beating random people up or maybe saving someone.

"Let's go walk around," the Coon orders. "It's a slow news day anyway."

Everyone agrees. You follow everyone out the door.

"Leaving so soon?" Mrs. Cartman asks, holding a plate of cookies and lemonade.

"Yeah, bye," the Coon says and closes the door when everyone leaves.

You open the door, "I'll love a cookie, if you don't mind."

Mrs. Cartman smiles happily. She hands you one, "Thank you. I hope you like them."

"I'm sure they're the best," you leave after eating the cookie. The cookie was a little dry and hard, but it still had good flavor.

You run up behind the gang. You hear pathetic evil laughing. You push everyone away to make a path for yourself. You see Butters in a tin foil outfit and a cape. He looks so cute in it. You hold back a little squeal.

"We meet again Professor Chaos!" the Coon exclaims while raising a fist.

Professor Chaos evilly laughs, "You won't defeat me this time!"

"We'll see about that!" the Coon glares.

Professor Chaos looks at you, "(Y/N)?"

You step forward, "It's (S/N) now. And we will beat you!"

"You can try!"

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