Chapter 15

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You walk over to Stan and you ask him the question about Kyle. Stan explains, "Kyle always changes when Jersey people come to South Park."

"Changes?" you seem worried by the idea of Kyle changing. What if you didn't like what he changes into?

You worry the whole night. When morning comes, you just roll out of bed. Your eyes are heavy from staying up all night. You drag your feet all through the house. You were even too tired to brush your hair, so you just stick your hair under your winter hat. You eat your favorite breakfast and drag your feet all the way out the door. You get enough strength to lift your head to see Kyle standing in the driveway. Kyle looks different. Your eyes shot open. Kyle looks H-O-T. He has his hair combed upward, he is wearing a black gangster shirt with a white symbol on it, and he wore chains on his motorcycle pants. A leather jacket is wrapped around his waist.

Kyle walks over and takes your hand and holds it tight. Your cheeks heat up as red painted them. Kyle wraps his arm around you and walks you to school. When you walk through the door, Kyle's face somehow becomes protective. His grip tightens around you. Everybody who looks at you is greeted with a stare from Kyle that tells them, If you hurt her, I'll bury you myself.

You can't help but feel safe and flattered by how Kyle is acting. Kyle takes you to your locker so you can get your school stuff. He takes you to class and sits extremely close to you. Everyone stares at you. Your feelings of being flattered are over. Now you just feel embarrassed. You love Kyle's Jersey side, you really do. In fact you find it really attractive, but if it is going to be like this for a while, then there is a serious problem.

After class, you drag Kyle over to a corner so you two can be alone. You ask, "What is wrong with you?"

Kyle looks at you confused, "What do you mean?"

"Kyle, I love your Jersey side, I really do, but I don't need you to be so protective. If your worried that something will happen to me, then I can tell you right now that nothing will happen," as soon as you finish that sentence. You heard tons of kids screaming. You turn around to see tons of kids running in the hall.

"RUN!" they all scream.

You roll your hands into a fist and throw them in the air, "SERIOUSLY?!"

The Hidden Secret (Reader X Kyle)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя