Chapter 3

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You wake up excited. It's a Saturday, no school, more time to get to know your new friends. You start to think about how Kyle stood up for you against Cartman. Today, you will get to know why Cartman doesn't like you. You go over to your closet. You open it and put on your favorite outfit. You say good bye to your mom while running out the door. You grab your jacket, you left outside. You run to town, looking around for Cartman. You stop in front of a corner store.

"Cartman!" you call out.

"Why do you want to talk to Cartman?" asked a voice behind you, You turn around to see Kyle standing there.

"I want to know why he hates me," you answer.

Kyle frowns, "Why do you care?"

"What's wrong with worrying about a friend?" you answer the question with a question.

Kyle smiles a little, "You're right, but I don't want you to be left alone with him."

Your heart speeds up a little, "Thank you, Kyle, but I need to talk to him alone. I need to do this on my own."

Kyle nods, "If that's what you want," Kyle walks away with his head hanging.

You want to apologize, but you have to focus on finding Cartman. As soon as Kyle walks around the corner, out of sight. You suddenly feel something pointy touch your back.

"Hey (Y/N)," says a familiar voice.

"C-Cartman?" you guess.

Cartman turns you around so you're facing him. You look at his hands to see him holding a knife now to your stomach. Cartman looks at you with this creepy smile.

"What are you doing?" you ask.

Cartman slides the knife up to your cheek, "Nothing much just planning to kill you."

"K-kill me? Why?" you ask trying not to show fear.

"Kyle is not around anymore. He's always with you now. I'm not able to make him angry with my jokes. You made him different," Cartman explains while pressing the knife into your cheek.

A drop of blood falls down your cheek. It was painful but you suck it up, "I didn't know I was doing such a thing, but it isn't my fault he wants to hang out with me. I'm not the one who told him to change."

Cartman presses his teeth together. He lifts up his knife and slashes it across your cheek, leaving a scratch. You placed your hand on your cheek, wanting to cry in pain. You could feel yourself getting angry. You grab Cartman's wrist, forcing the knife to drop to the ground.

"I came here to talk not fight. But if fightings the only way to get through your head, so be it," you kick Cartman against the store window.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" asks Cartman.

You grab Cartman's collar and lift him up, "You wanted a fight, well now, you got one."

Cartman's eyes widened, "Your eyes!"

You look at your reflection in the window. You notice your eyes are now yellow and narrow like a cat's. Oh no! Your secret will be blown. You drop Cartman and apologize. Your eyes go back to normal. Cartman stands up, looking at you terrified.

"Please don't be afraid, Cartman," you look at his wrists to see they are all bloody and cut. "Cartman, what have you done?"

Cartman pulls his sleeves down to cover them, "None of your business." Cartman runs off. For a big boned kid he sure can run fast.

You race after him, "Cartman! Wait! I can help you!"

You felt something wet hit your cut cheek. You realized Cartman was crying, "I'm fat. I don't have many friends. I'm an ass to people. No one likes me. My mom is a whore. I don't know who my real mother is. My mom is actually a dude. I don't know anything anymore. I want to die!"

Cartman disappears inside his house. You stand at the door worrying about Cartman. No one knows how much he is hurting. You bang on the door.

"Cartman! Please let me help you. You're my friend and I want to help you."

No answer.

You fall to your knees. KYLE! Cartman said he missed Kyle maybe he can fix this. You run to go find Kyle.

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