Chapter 24

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Dannys Pov (you know before he was killed };] )

I dialed up her number. I felt kind of bad. I mean Stiles is hurting over me. But then again now he can be comforted by me. She answered. 

"Well thanks for get me out of there. I woulve gotten  killed. I love you!" I said happily that she had gotten me safe.I waited hesitantly for her reply, she had a very bipolar attitude. 

"I know." Jena replied. 

"Jena... Why did you break them up? Like I know its not for me. You have a reason for this." I winced waiting for her reply. 

"Danny, Danny, Danny.. You may not want to hear this..." I could hear her smirking. 

"Hear what?" I panicked. She was going to do something terrible to me. Or worse, Stiles. I really wanted to be his. Its all thats on my mind. 

"They are mates you know. They will get back together. Unless.." She paused. She always has me on suspense.  

"Unless?" I asked. 

"Unless you kill one of them for me." She said deadly serious. Then her whisper was all around me. 

"And we both know you cant kill Derek." 

"I cant kill Stiles either!" I screamed. A small laugh came from the phone. 

"Well heres the truth Danny. Where there is death there is always death." I heard her heels click on the floor as she walked somewhere. "Goodbye Daniel." She hung up.  I sat in my room confused. She never says goodbye or hello. Is this a sign? I am going for a drive. My mom was at work and my dad was probably out with friends. I grabbed my keys and headed to the car. 

"Going somewhere?" A cold harsh voice asked. Derek. 

"Nope. No where. So im going inside. Goodnight." I began to run inside. Only a few more steps. Derek was already leaning against the door frame when I got there.

"I thought you would be faster you are on the front line for lacrosse." He looked up at me. His eyes a burning red. 

"A-Are you going to kill me?" I asked as tears welled up in my eyes. 

"You catch on fast." A wicked grin washed over his face. Maybe I can fight back. I mean Jena said I have to kill one of them. Maybe I can. There might be a chance. I try to punch him. He grabbed my fist and squeezed down. I felt my fist shatter within his hands. There was no chance of winning. flicked his hands out. Claws came out sharper than any knife I have ever seen. He sliced the door frame wood easily. As if it was butter. I fell to the ground terrified. 

"Derek! Please! Dont do this. Please!" I begged. 

"Oh but Danny it is already done." He slashed at my chest. 

It felt like every fiber in me went cold he laughed and walked off. I felt a hand on my chest. 

"I warned you Danny...." Jenas voice was all I had left. I slowly faded under her touch.


Jenas POV

 There the fool was, lying by his door surrounded by his own blood. He wasnt dead yet. But he wasnt going to live. He was waiting for death. All I had to do was give it to him and I could live on. Stupid boy.  Doesnt he know stealing other peoples toys wouldnt make him friends? I silently glided over to his crippled body. I placed a hand on his chest, slowly draining his life from him. Since Dereks little match stunt I take whatever I can get. The life of the elderly. Going into hospital stealing the life of the weak. I was pathetic. But I was regaining my original strength. Soon I will only take others strength to carry on once to twice a year. Maybe more. maybe less. But for now I need as many as I can get without gainin g suspision onto myself. Thats why I applied to be a Nurse at the hospital. I killed a medically trained victim, so I changed her records it was  little hard, but now I can just take the lonley waiting to die. Much like Danny and Derek, I want Stiles. Maybe I will go be his girlfriend since him and Derek are no longer together for now. I could be his for a while. Now to find him. Maybe Danny's Death will draw him back from where ever he has gone... 

Or I can just make his life a living hell since he wont be my heaven. 


A/N I'm really sorry this is just a filler I dont have much to say on this one... But I have found a few AMAZING STORIES THAT HAVE RULED MY LIFE! 

One is Sterek :

Broken. by isaacismybabe

One is A Harry Styles one I think, it hasnt really stated yet:

The Blog by MichelleIsFab 

They are amazing! 

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