Chapter 15

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 (A/n Its a one month time lapse. Nothing really has happened but everyone is alright with Stiles being gay, except his dad. So all in all, everyone is all ok.) 


"Im going to go see mom again!" I yell upstairs to Derek. 

"Alright, Im going to go get groceries want me to drop you off?" He asks sweetly. 

"Sure."  I beamed at him. We walked out to the car hand and hand. I was so lucky to have him. I really am. When we got to the cemetary i kissed him goodbye and smiled as I walked over to mom. 

"Hiya mom. How your day been? Its getting hot. Its nearly may you know." I rambled on. Then I heard a car approach on the path way about 100 feet from me. I was worried I would disturb mourning, so i dialed Dereks number. 

"Hey I need you to pick me up alright?" 

"Alright," He answered. "Is there something wrong." His voice filled with worry. 

"Nope Derek Im -" I was cut off by someone putting a cloth over my mouth. I began to scream, I know Derek could hear. I heard him yelling for me. It all began to fade. All i remember was the inside of a van. 

Derek Pov.

"No Derek im-" Stiles began yelling and screaming. 

"STILES! IM COMING. BABY DONT LEAVE. STILES." I screamed as I zipped towards cemetary. I heard the phone crackle as if it was smashed. I was going 70 mph and i arrived at the cemetary. He wasnt there. I went to the tombstone. Not there. But on her tomb I saw his phone smashed. It had a boqeut next to it. I looked at the familiar flowers. wolfsbane. 

"Stiles!" I tried to smell him in the air. There wasnt A trace. He was gone. I dialed the police staion.

"I am reporting an abducted teen. Please! I need help." I panicked into the phone. 

"Sir please calm down. Who was the teen and approximately what time did he or she get taken?"

"He was taken about 15 minutes ago. His name is Stiles Stilinski." I cried out. Silence from the other end. 

"Please help." My voice cracked. I needed him. 

"You wouldnt happen to be his boyfriend would you?" The operators voice sounded upset. 

"I am why? Do you know anything?" I shouted. 

"Come into the building. We can help you there. Ask for Janice." She hung up.  Shit. I forgot Stiles dad was the Sheriff. Why would he want to help. He wouldnt. I drove to the builing in tears. I stormed in there. 

"Is there a Janice anywhere???" I asked in panic. 

"Here." The voice from the phone answered. I ran to it. She sadly smiled. 

"All i can do is give leads when I hear them. Sheriff wont help. I know that. Stiles was like a son to all of us.  Some of us accepted him coming out but some didnt, I did. I miss him. And now hes gone. I will try to help, but I dont want to get fired." 

"Where is the sheriff." I almost growled. She motioned to the office. I stormed out to it. 

"Thanks for being a great parent to your boy." I screamed to him. "He was kidnapped by the way. OH I FORGOT YOU DONT CARE. I'D KILL YOU IF IT WOULDNT HURT HIM. NOW IM GOING TO FIND YOUR SON." I started to walk out. "Oh and im his boyfriend by the way." I glared at him my eyes glowed red for a second. He didnt seem to mind my yelling. He had no feelings for his own flesh and blood anymore. None. I hated him. I HATED EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM. 

I ran out to my car and drove to Scotts. I zipped into his house knowing he was home and his mom was at work. 

"He's gone." I cried to him.

"WHOS GONE?" Scott yelled at me. "WHO IS DEREK." 

"Stiles is, I never even told him Scott." Tears fell from my face. Scott seemed shocked. "I never told him how much he ment to me. I never told him how his face just him made my whole life better. I never told him I loved him." 

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